ML for Beginners的简介
Machine Learning for Beginners是由Microsoft 的 Azure Cloud Advocates 提供的为期 12 周、26 节课的课程,所有课程都是关于机器学习的。 在本课程中,你将了解经典机器学习的内容,主要使用Scikit-learn库来进行讲解。每节课都包括课前和课后测验、完成课程的书面说明、解决方案、作业等。
Machine Learning for BeginnersIt is a 12-week, 26-class course offered by Microsoft’s Azure Cloud Advocates, all of which are about machine learning. In this course, you will learn about classical machine learning, mainly using the Scikit-learn library to explain. Each class includes pre-class and after-class quizzes, written instructions for completing the course, solutions, assignments, etc.
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