内蒙古 呼和浩特





  正北方网系内蒙古日报传媒集团主管、北方新报社主办的内蒙古新闻门户网站。正北方网是世界了解内蒙古的窗口,正北方网具有访问量高、技术力量雄厚、原创内容多、信息量大等优势,以 “ 权威、准确、实用 ” 为特色。


  正北方网是内蒙古目前最大的网上原创新闻发布中心及网上公众信息服务中心,新闻信息 24 小时滚动更新。

  正北方网面向公众主要提供以下互闻网服务:新闻、论坛、嘉宾访谈、SNS、评论;房产、汽车、美食、亲子、校园等实用信息。对遍及全球的读者、投资者、旅游者而言,正北方网是他们了解获取内蒙古信息的重要渠道。对区内城市而言,正北方网是城市对外传播飞翔的翅膀,城市的社会经济信息时时刻刻在向全世界发布。互联网各种各样强大的搜索引擎,又使正北方网的宣传时时在线, 24小时全时空存在。


Zhengbei Network is the Inner Mongolia News Portal, which is in charge of Inner Mongolia Daily Media Group and sponsored by Northern New newspaper. Zhengbei Network is the window for the world to understand Inner Mongolia. Zhengbei Network has the advantages of high visit volume, strong technical force, many original content and large amount of information, and is characterized by “authoritative, accurate and practical”.

Northern News Network obtained the “Internet News and Information Service license” issued by the Information Office of the State Council on August 22nd, and became a first-class national news website. At the same time, it officially changed its name to Zhengbei Network (the original domain name www.northnews.cn remains unchanged), and became the second network media with the same qualification in Inner Mongolia.

Zhengbei Network is the largest online original news release center and online public information service center in Inner Mongolia. News information is updated 24 hours a day.

Zhengbei Network mainly provides the following services for the public: news, forums, guest interviews, SNS, comments; real estate, cars, food, parent-child, campus and other practical information. For readers, investors and tourists all over the world, Zhengbei Network is an important channel for them to understand and obtain information from Inner Mongolia. For the cities in the region, the Zhengbei network is the wings for cities to spread and fly to the outside world, and the social and economic information of the city is being released to the world all the time. A variety of powerful search engines on the Internet make the propaganda of Zhengbei Network online all the time and exist 24 hours a day.

Zhengbei Network has maintained a steady and strong growth trend in recent years, and the rapid growth of Zhengbei Network is closely related to the active support of governments at all levels and the increasing number of Internet users in Inner Mongolia. With the website becoming more and more mature, Zhengbei Network will make more and greater contributions to publicizing Inner Mongolia, serving readers and promoting the development of Internet journalism in Inner Mongolia.








本站网站百科提供的正北方网都来源于网络,不保证外部链接的准确性和完整性,同时,对于该外部链接的指向,不由网站百科实际控制,在2023 年 2 月 28 日 22:57收录时,该网页上的内容,都属于合规合法,后期网页的内容如出现违规,可以直接联系网站管理员进行删除,网站百科不承担任何责任。

