


南京理工大学考研网(以下简称南京理工考研网) 由南京理工在读研究生和博士生作为勤工助学项目创办,经过多年的经营,已经为全国各地的数千名考生提供了考研的笔记、资料和真题等。每当我们听到考生成功考入南京理工之后的消息,我们都会非常的开心,能为考生的读研梦想贡献一份力量是我们一直以来的目标和为之努力的方向。




A brief introduction to Nanjing University of Science and Technology’s postgraduate entrance examination network

Nanjing University of Science and Technology postgraduate entrance examination network is founded by Nanjing University of Science and Technology graduate students to provide Nanjing University of Science and Technology graduate student enrollment information, Nanjing University of Science and Technology postgraduate entrance examination score line, real postgraduate entrance examination questions and notes and other materials.

Nanjing University of Science and Technology postgraduate entrance examination network (hereinafter referred to as Nanjing Institute of Technology postgraduate entrance examination network) was founded by Nanjing University of Technology graduate students and doctoral students as a part-time study program. After years of operation, it has provided thousands of candidates across the country with notes, materials and real questions for the postgraduate entrance examination. Whenever we hear the news that the examinee has been successfully admitted to Nanjing Science and Technology, we will be very happy. To contribute to the examinee’s dream of going to graduate school is our goal and the direction of our efforts.

Our team had a lot of questions and doubts as early as when they were preparing for the examination, such as difficult to buy materials for the postgraduate entrance examination, incomplete and most of them had no answers, all kinds of information were too fragmented and had no system, and more importantly, our entrepreneurial team was deceived by bad businessmen during the preparation period: the materials bought by expensive money for the postgraduate entrance examination were either incomplete or questionable, and not only wasted money. More importantly, the precious time of the test and the state of mind during the preparation period are wasted. So we gathered together and decided to use our experience and confidence to set up a website for students preparing for Nanjing University of Science and Technology’s postgraduate entrance examination. Because we have worked hard for this, because we are building this website attentively, the distance between our website and students taking the postgraduate entrance examination is getting closer and closer, and the relationship of trust between us is getting stronger and stronger. We are constantly attracting new talents to join us and enrich our strength.

Our team

Our team has gradually formed a set of relatively healthy and effective development model in the process of development. our data collection has been purchased at a high price. 30% of the funds from sales are distributed as employees’ wages, and 30% of the funds are donated to the Nanjing Science and work-study Center as a living subsidy for poor students, and 30% of the funds are used to cover the costs incurred in the process of data collection, collation, printing and transportation. 10% of the money is spent on website server maintenance. In this way, in constant exploration and exploration, our website has been in operation for more than 5 years.









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