




中北大学软件学院是中北大学的二级学院,属山西省首个示范性软件学院(本科)。目前设有软件工程专业,下设软件开发与测试、数字媒体技术、企业信息化软件开发与应用、电子商务软件开发与应用、物流管理软件开发与应用、安全评估与化工模拟、材料成型仿真技术、机电一体化软件开发与应用、汽车信息与管理工程、嵌入式软件、信息处理软件应用等 11个专业方向。现有全日制本科生3749名。



软件学院本科实行“2+1+1”的培养模式:其中 “2”是指进入软件学院后前两个学年,学习软件工程专业的公共基础课和专业基础课(学科核心课),两个“1”分别指第三学年分方向深度学习专业课程,第四学年在校内实习实训基地及软件企业进行工程实践(毕业实习和毕业设计)。主要培养服务于国防和地方企事业单位以及全社会信息化所急需的复合型、应用型软件编程和软件应用人才。特别是,注重企事业信息化、全社会数字化和IT产业发展,所需的企业信息化管理软件研发、使用、维护、和软件外包、服务外包等方面的多层次的软件人才的培养,努力把学院建成特色鲜明、省内一流、全国知名的学院,使其成为能够培养具有国际竞争能力的高层次、复合型、实用型软件人才培养基地。

The School of Software of Central North University is the second-level college of Central North University, which is the first demonstration software college (undergraduate) in Shanxi Province. At present, there is a major in software engineering, including software development and testing, digital media technology, enterprise information software development and application, e-commerce software development and application, logistics management software development and application, safety assessment and chemical simulation, material forming simulation technology, mechatronics software development and application, automotive information and management engineering, embedded software, information processing software application and other 11 professional directions. There are now 3749 full-time undergraduates.

At present, there are 43 faculty members in the Software College, including 2 professors, 10 associate professors, 31 lecturers, 13 master’s degree supervisors, 6 part-time teachers outside the school, including 2 foreign professors and 4 senior enterprises. there are 2 experts in the “100 talents Plan” in Shanxi Province.

A Shanxi shared software talent training base has been set up in the school. It mainly includes Microsoft Innovation Technology experience Center, Oracle Database Technology Joint training Lab, Oracle (Central North University) authorized Education Center and training Lab, SAP University Alliance and New Technology Joint training Lab, IBM Joint training Lab, Autodesk Joint training Lab, Adobe Joint training Lab, Dell Joint training Lab, Wave Joint training Lab and Alibaba Joint training Laboratory.

The undergraduate course of the Software College implements the training mode of “2-1-1”: “2” refers to studying the public basic courses and professional basic courses (discipline core courses) of software engineering major in the first two academic years after entering the Software College. The two “1s” respectively refer to the in-depth study of professional courses in the third academic year, and the engineering practice (graduation internship and graduation design) in the school practice training base and software enterprises in the fourth academic year. It mainly trains compound and applied software programming and software application talents who are urgently needed to serve national defense and local enterprises and institutions as well as the informatization of the whole society. In particular, we should pay attention to the informationization of enterprises and institutions, the digitization of the whole society and the development of IT industry, and the training of multi-level software talents in the development, use, maintenance, software outsourcing and service outsourcing of enterprise information management software, so as to build the college into a college with distinctive features, first-class in the province and well-known throughout the country. Make it become a training base for high-level, compound and practical software talents with international competitiveness.








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