
  3722资料搜索网每天提供大量企业管理资料下载: 管理制度/ 表格/ 企划案/ 文章/ 演示文稿/工具/…… 企业管理实务专题. 为企业管理人员的知识宝库.

  我们也坚持每月自行制作高质量光盘, 现已有近百套, 每月投入大量人力加速开发中.

  3722资料搜索网于2003年开始建立, 至今已拥有拥有9年的宝贵经营经验及一批高素质有管理经验的团队. 因为专心经营, 对会员认真负责及诚信, 会员已突破200万名. 金牌会员中有不少大型企业及咨询行业加入, 如: 宝钢, 奇瑞汽车. 其中也有不少企业的管理人员和培训师. 得到众多的会员的热爱及支持 .我们将于2017年更大的投入, 更强的团队, 更好的内容, 来回报各位会员的厚爱.

3722 Information search Network provides a large number of downloads of business management materials every day: management system / form / project / article / presentation / tool /. Special Topics on Enterprise Management practice. It is a treasure house of knowledge for enterprise managers.

We also insist on making high-quality CDs every month. Now we have nearly 100 sets, and we invest a lot of manpower to speed up the development every month.

3722 data search Network was established in 2003, has 9 years of valuable business experience and a group of high-quality management experience team. Because of dedicated management, serious responsibility and integrity to the members, the number of members has exceeded 2 million. Among the gold medal members, many large enterprises and consulting industries have joined, such as Baosteel and Chery Automobile. Among them, there are also many enterprise managers and trainers. Get the love and support of many members. We will make greater investment, stronger team and better content in 2017 to repay the love of our members.








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