







  1. 字头信息:介绍汉字的基本讯息,例如部首、发音、造字法。

  2. 字形演变:列出金文、篆文、隶书、楷书等多种字体,可帮助学生了解字形演变历史。此外,网站亦提供汉字简化方案的说明,有助学生连结繁简字型。

  3. 造字解说:将汉字拆解,配合字形演变历程以及图片辅助进行详细的造字解说。同时附上说文解字的文白对照,可供高级学生参考。

  4. 引申线索:先说解汉字本意,再进行词性或词意的延伸,并且附上相关词汇,让学生由汉字拓展到词汇学习的层面。



  目前收录汉字 3000 多字,最终将扩展到国家公布的最新三级《通用规范汉字表》所包含的 8000



Pictographic dictionary is an online dictionary for learning Chinese characters, not only for pictographic characters, but also for a wide range of Chinese characters, providing prefix information, glyph evolution, word-making interpretation, etc., as well as extended usage and classified vocabulary. let you refresh, suddenly enlightened online Chinese dictionary: pictographic basis, rational interpretation; ancient Chinese characters, deep activation.

Pictographic dictionary website function

Functional features of pictographic dictionary:

1. Prefix information: introduce the basic information of Chinese characters, such as radical, pronunciation, character formation.

two。 Glyph evolution: list a variety of fonts, such as gold, seal, official script, regular script and so on, which can help students understand the history of glyph evolution. In addition, the website also provides a description of the simplification of Chinese characters to help students connect complex and simple fonts.

3. Word-making explanation: disassemble Chinese characters and explain them in detail with the help of glyph evolution and pictures. At the same time, a comparison of Shuo Wenjie characters is attached, which can be used as a reference for senior students.

4. Extended clues: first explain the original meaning of Chinese characters, and then extend the part of speech or meaning, and attach relevant words, so that students can expand from Chinese characters to the level of vocabulary learning.


Classified vocabulary: continue the extended clues and list more related new words, which is helpful for students to learn systematically. In addition, the pictographic dictionary also explores the origin of many words, detailing the sources of ancient books, which is a valuable reference resource for vocabulary teaching or research.

The pictographic Dictionary is completely new in its organic and systematic structure, abandoning the method of arranging pronunciation as the order (based on the order of the English alphabet) and fragmented, and based on the pictographic material sources of Chinese characters. the whole dictionary is divided into three parts: “Heaven”, “Earth” and “Human”. Each part is divided into several families, each family contains several prefixes, each prefix leads to an independent web page; the content of each web page consists of six parts: “prefix information”, “glyph evolution”, “etymology interpretation”, “word meaning extension”, “lexical classification” and “user comments”.

At present, it contains more than 3000 Chinese characters, which will eventually be extended to the 8000 contained in the latest three-level “General Standard Chinese character Table” published by the state.

Above the prefix. The non-holographic dictionary focuses on the logical orientation relationship between the pictorial images contained in ancient glyphs and the original meaning of Chinese characters, and the derivation relationship between the original meaning of Chinese characters and the commonly used meanings in modern Chinese.

When explaining the original meaning of Chinese characters, the pictographic Dictionary is based on the pictorial elements in ancient Chinese characters (seal glyphs, especially oracle bone glyphs and gold glyphs), and exemplified by the example sentences in pre-Qin classics. with many viewpoints of ancient and modern dictionaries as reference, it is most loyal to the “pictographic spirit” of Chinese characters.

The whole content of the “Pictographic Dictionary” website comes from the webmaster’s 12 years of collection, arrangement and painstaking research, among which Jia Jin Likai Xingcao 7

The stylistic table of “glyph evolution”, the detailed illustration of “etymological interpretation”, the “extension of word meaning” that reveals the origin, and the “lexical classification” of clear groups are all the originality and originality of this site. The pictographic Dictionary of the electronic manuscript was approved by the National copyright Administration in 2011.









本站网站百科提供的象形字典都来源于网络,不保证外部链接的准确性和完整性,同时,对于该外部链接的指向,不由网站百科实际控制,在2022 年 9 月 1 日 22:25收录时,该网页上的内容,都属于合规合法,后期网页的内容如出现违规,可以直接联系网站管理员进行删除,网站百科不承担任何责任。

