




A brief introduction to the carefree entrance examination.

Carefree enrollment is a website of Shanghai Xuelu Network Technology Co., Ltd. it is a leading large-scale educational enrollment website in China that provides all-round services such as study consultation, online application and so on. Relying on the strong information resources and media advantages of the website, as well as years of successful operation experience in the education market, it aims to provide a worry-free educational resource platform for every student. Find the best and ideal school that suits you quickly and economically At the same time, it also provides an online platform for students to interact, help each other and learn from each other. Real-time broadcast of important educational news, educational policies and school enrollment information at home and abroad is a network window for all kinds of educational entities to show their brand, image and strength.

We have a team of dedicated young people with high quality and professional knowledge. Through excellent website operation, integrating the experience and achievements of excellent education experts, summing up learning skills and application guides, supply and demand scholars can find the best schools and majors in the same field.

Worry-free enrollment is a close contact and communication link between all parties in the society who pay attention to education. We strive to play a positive role in the development of education in our country with first-class professional standards, excellent service quality and advanced strategic vision. Welcome colleges and universities to cooperate with us, we will timely and accurately release information for colleges and universities.








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