
  毕达教育,即毕达留学,是国内首批留学咨询服务机构。毕达教育名字来源于其英文名Better Education,以表明其理念系为学生争取更好的教育机会。





Bida Education, that is, Bida studying abroad, is the first batch of overseas study consulting service institutions in China. The name of Bida Education comes from its English name Better Education to show that its philosophy is to strive for better educational opportunities for students.

Bida Education, that is, Bida overseas study, is one of the most well-known overseas study consulting institutions in China, mainly engaged in overseas study application services in the United States, Britain, Canada, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, France and other countries and regions. The business involves overseas study application, overseas examination counseling and career planning consulting services. Unlike traditional agencies serving both students and overseas universities, Bida only serves students, which ensures the consistency of the interests of Bida and students and is the basis of transparent service. With the improvement and optimization of the application technology for studying abroad over the years, Bida has been admitted to many world-class universities in liberal arts, business, science, engineering and other disciplines, such as Harvard University, Princeton University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Yale University, Oxford University, Cambridge University and so on.

Quality resources such as overseas scientific research and overseas internship

The simple test score has been difficult to distinguish from other students in the fierce application of famous schools, and the soft background is extremely important. Having sufficient overseas scientific research or internship experience gives students an advantage in application. Bida has many resources such as laboratory research in famous universities or internships in famous enterprises at home and abroad, which can effectively help students enhance the competitiveness of their applications.

Bida Education is committed to transparent service throughout the process, and each application step must be confirmed by the student before it can be carried out. The “transparency + confirmation” application process is the best way to monitor. Bida provides a convenient means to supervise the application work: you can share the application account with the consultant, you can read your own manuscripts at any time, and you can know the progress of the school’s application at the first time. In order to rest assured, we will seek approval in all the core links such as school selection, paperwork, application, admission and so on, so as to ensure that we are truly satisfied with our work and fully protect our interests.









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