






学校采取灵活多样的办学形式,为学生学习提供了多种可选择的便利条件。设有成人高等专科(参加成人高招)、普通高等专科(参加普通高招)、高等专高等专科“注册视听生”、开放教育专科和开放教育“专升本”五种教育形式,另外还有中等专业、项目培训等教育形式。上述办学形式既有脱产或业余学习的组班教学,又有以自学为主,学校导学、助学的不组班教学,还有利用计算机通过宽带网开展远程教学。电大东阳学院办学20年来,坚持”面向社会,面向基层,面向农村”的办学指导思想,锐意进取不断开拓,结合区域经济和社会发展开设专业,迄今为止共开设过近30个专业,毕业大专生近2800名,单科结业3500多人,中专生1500余名,岗位培训一万多人,大专毕业生占东 阳从业人口中大专以上学历几近六分之一,为地方区域经济和社会发展培养了一大批“用得上、留得住”的专业人才。目前在校大专普通班有计算机、土木建筑、财务会计、英语、文秘等五个专业,成人班有计算机、土木建筑、电子技术、会计、金融、法学、英语、工企管、教育等专科、本科有计算机、金融、会计、法学等专业,大专以上在校生共1540余人。经批准,1999年开始参加中央广播电视大学人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点。


A brief introduction to Dongyang College of Zhejiang Radio and TV University

Dongyang College of Zhejiang Radio and TV University is an exemplary TV University in Zhejiang Province and a pioneer and base of local higher education in Dongyang City. Dongyang College was founded in February 1979 and jointly run a school with Guangsha Construction College in April 2002. The old campus of the college is located at No. 68 Xinnan Road, Dongyang City; the new campus is located in Dongyangjiang North New District, covering an area of 800 mu, with a construction area of more than 60,000 square meters in the first phase, which was officially put into use in September 2002.

Radio and TV University is a comprehensive open university that uses computer network, radio, television, audio-visual and text materials for modern distance education. Take applied talents as the training goal, give priority to college diploma education, and include open education, technical secondary school diploma education and non-diploma education.

The school adopts flexible and various forms of running a school, which provides a variety of convenient conditions for students to choose from. There are five kinds of education forms: adult higher college (to participate in adult high enrollment), general higher college (to participate in ordinary high enrollment), “registered audio-visual students”, open education and open education. In addition, there are secondary specialties, project training and other forms of education. The above-mentioned forms of running schools include not only the group teaching of part-time or part-time learning, but also the non-group teaching of self-study, school guidance and assistance, as well as the use of computers to carry out distance teaching through broadband network. Over the past 20 years, Dongyang College of Radio and TV University has adhered to the guiding ideology of “facing the society, the grass-roots level and the countryside”. It has set up nearly 30 majors in combination with regional economic and social development. there are nearly 2800 college graduates, more than 3500 single-subject graduates, more than 1500 technical secondary school students and more than 10, 000 on-the-job training. College graduates account for nearly 1/6 of the working population in Dongyang with a college degree or above, which has trained a large number of professionals who can be used and retained for the local regional economic and social development. At present, there are five majors in the ordinary class of computer science, civil engineering, financial accounting, English and secretarial science. The adult class has computer, civil construction, electronic technology, accounting, finance, law, English, industrial and enterprise management, education and other specialties, undergraduate courses have computer, finance, accounting, law and other majors, a total of more than 1540 college students. After approval, he began to participate in the reform of the talent training mode and the pilot project of open education in the Central Radio and Television University in 1999.

The leading group of Dongyang College of Radio and TV University is sound, reasonable structure, unity and cooperation, willing to contribute; teachers with high quality, strong professional ability, good team spirit, strong enthusiasm, initiative, sense of responsibility and creativity. In recent years, the school advocates establishing the school on the basis of quality, attaches importance to scientific research, and has won high praise in the system of Radio and TV University. The modern distance education facilities of the college are relatively advanced, with relatively complete facilities such as ground satellite receiving equipment, network control center, video multimedia classroom, language lab, etc.; the computer center has more than 200 medium-and high-grade computers of various types; the campus network was established in 1996 and is connected with the China Education Network. In line with the purpose of “facing modernization, the world and the future”, Dongyang College of Radio and TV University, facing Dongyang and serving the localities, strives to do a good job in the two major propositions of modernization and openness of RTVU, and adopts a more open and flexible form of running a school. strive to promote quality education, comprehensively improve teaching quality, and constantly expand the scale of running schools; seize opportunities and strive hard Strive for the first-class spirit to build Dongyang College of Radio and TV University into a base of local higher education.








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