山东 淄博


淄博职业学院坐 落于齐国故都工业名城国家园林城市全国文明城市山东省淄博市。鲁中地区独特的经济结构和文化底蕴赋予了学院尚工重商医学人文并举的专业特色。



淄博职业学院坐 落于齐国故都、工业名城、国家园林城市、全国文明城市山东省淄博市。鲁中地区独特的经济结构和文化底蕴赋予了学院尚工重商、医学人文并举的专业特色。学院 在2006年教育部人才培养工作水平评估中获得优秀等次;2007年入选国家示范性高等职业院校建设单位,2010年以优秀成绩通过验收;先后获得全国职 业教育先进单位、全国精神文明建设工作先进单位等荣誉称号。

建设一流 跨越发展


学院目前占地面积2000余亩,在校生26000余人。教职工近1400人,其中正高级职称50人,副高级职称325人,博士和在读博士35人,硕 士和在读硕士651人,双师素质教师达90%以上。现有国家特支计划(万人计划)人才、国家教学名师、二级教授、享受国务院特殊津贴专家1人,国家级优秀 教学团队2个,国家级职业教育实训基地4个,国家重点建设专业8个,国家级精品课程9门,国家级立项课题2项,国家级教学成果奖1项;有省级教学名师4 人,省级教学团队4个,省品牌、特色专业11个,省级精品课程73门,省级教学成果奖17项;教职工获专利授权473项,其中发明专利14项。

学院立足区域经济对人才的需求,设立高职专业76个,形成了工、商、医、艺、外语、社会事业等专业全面发展的综合性办学格局。投入3000余万元建 设数字化校园,建立了先进的数字化校园信息平台。建有校内外实习实训基地1000余个,虚拟实验实训和虚拟工艺项目51个。每年面向社会培训各类人才1万 余人次。与美、法、俄、韩等12个国家和地区的52所高校建立了友好合作关系,开展中外师生交流近千人次。

改革求变 高点定位


学院以区域经济转方式调结构对职业人才的需求为出发点,牵头建立淄博职业教育集团,大力推进校、政、企深度融合,不断优化实践教学体系,实现资源共 享、三方共赢。建立校内准工业园和创业孵化园,职业指导与服务三年不断线。首创“零学费培养、零成本创业”模式,通过为企业开设“订单班”、建立“校中 厂”、“厂中校”,使人才培养质量与用人单位需求零距离。


管理创新 内涵主导


一是建立全员竞聘、干部职岗分离机制,放眼全院选贤任能,优化了人力资源配置。二是实行三级预算三级管理,按专业再造教育教学部,实施教育教学一体 化管理,使优势资源直指教学“一线”。三是独创“全时段覆盖”法,学生在校活动时间24小时“无缝隙”覆盖管理,有效提高了应对突发事件的能力。四是依据 国际先进理念,建立四级考核体系,提高了全院教职员工服务教育教学“主战场”的自觉性和主动性。

学院的管理创新得到了社会各界的认可,新华社、中央电视台、人民日报、光明日报、中国青年报、中国教育报等国家主流媒体多次报道学院的做法;教育部 发简报在全国高校推广学院的先进经验;中央领导刘延东先后两次对学院的做法做出批示;姜大明、鲁昕等省部委领导先后到学院调研,并对学院的工作给予充分肯 定。


Zibo Vocational College is located in the old capital of Qi, the famous industrial city, the national garden city and the civilized city of Zibo in Shandong Province. The unique economic structure and cultural heritage in central Shandong endow the college with the professional characteristics of attaching importance to business and developing medicine and humanities simultaneously. The college won the excellent grade in the evaluation of the talent training level of the Ministry of Education in 2006, was selected as a national demonstration higher vocational college construction unit in 2007, and passed the acceptance test with excellent results in 2010. it has successively won the honorary titles such as the national advanced unit of vocational education and the national advanced unit of spiritual civilization construction.

Build first-class development by leaps and bounds

Zibo Vocational College, founded in July 2002, is a full-time ordinary university sponsored by the people’s Government of Zibo City. at the beginning of its establishment, it established the goal of building a national first-class vocational college.

The college currently covers an area of more than 2000 mu and has more than 26000 students. There are nearly 1400 faculty members, including 50 senior professional titles, 325 deputy senior professional titles, 35 doctoral and doctoral students, 651 master’s degree and master’s degree, and more than 90% of the double-qualified teachers. At present, there are talents of the national special expenditure plan (Ten Thousand talents Plan), national famous teachers, second-class professors, 1 expert enjoying the special allowance of the State Council, 2 national excellent teaching teams, 4 national vocational education training bases, 8 national key construction majors, 9 national high-quality courses, 2 national projects and 1 national teaching achievement award. There are 4 provincial teachers, 4 provincial teaching teams, 11 provincial brand and characteristic majors, 73 provincial high-quality courses, 17 provincial teaching achievement awards, and 473 patents granted to faculty, including 14 invention patents.

Based on the demand for talents in the regional economy, the college has set up 76 higher vocational majors, forming a comprehensive school-running pattern with the all-round development of engineering, business, medicine, art, foreign language, social undertakings and other majors. Invest more than 3000 million yuan to build a digital campus and establish an advanced digital campus information platform. There are more than 1000 internship and training bases inside and outside the school, 51 virtual experimental training and virtual craft projects. Every year, more than 10,000 people are trained for all kinds of talents. It has established friendly and cooperative relations with 52 universities in 12 countries and regions, including the United States, France, Russia and South Korea, and conducted nearly 1,000 exchanges between Chinese and foreign teachers and students.

Reform and change the position of high point

Taking “cultivating students’ employment competitiveness and development potential” as the core goal, the college constantly strengthens the education and teaching reform, improves the quality of teachers, and takes professional ability as the core. It has formed the curriculum implementation framework of the whole process of vocational quality cultivation and vocational skills training. We will comprehensively implement the management model of the tutorial system, constantly promote the reform of the examination and evaluation model, and continuously improve the quality of personnel training.

Taking the demand for professional talents in the structural transformation of the regional economy as the starting point, the college takes the lead in establishing Zibo Vocational Education Group, vigorously promoting the deep integration of schools, politics and enterprises, constantly optimizing the practical teaching system, and achieving shared resources and win-win results. The establishment of a quasi-industrial park and entrepreneurial incubator on campus, career guidance and service for three years. It is the first to create the model of “zero tuition training and zero cost entrepreneurship”. By setting up “order class”, “school factory” and “factory lieutenant colonel” for enterprises, there is a zero distance between the quality of personnel training and the needs of employers.

Students have continuously won the first place in major competitions such as the National Vocational College skills Competition, the National College Electronic Design Competition, and the Shandong Vocational College skills Competition. The employment rate of graduates has been maintained at more than 98%, the satisfaction of employers has reached 95%, and many students have been “booked” by employers in advance before graduation.

The connotation of management innovation is dominant

Focusing on the needs of society, the college aims to serve students, vigorously implement fine management, promote connotation development, and constantly innovate the management mechanism.

First, establish a mechanism for competitive recruitment of all staff and separation of cadres and posts, focus on the selection of talents and talents in the whole hospital, and optimize the allocation of human resources. The second is to implement three-level budget and three-level management, reinvent the education and teaching department according to the specialty, and implement the integrated management of education and teaching, so as to make the superior resources point directly to the “front line” of teaching. Third, the original “full-time coverage” method, students in school activity time 24 hours “seamless” coverage management, effectively improve the ability to deal with emergencies. The fourth is to establish a four-level assessment system according to the international advanced concept, so as to improve the consciousness and initiative of the teaching staff to serve the “main battlefield” of education and teaching.

The management innovation of the college has been recognized by all sectors of the society. Xinhua News Agency, CCTV, People’s Daily, Guangming Daily, China Youth Daily, China Education Daily and other national mainstream media have repeatedly reported the practice of the college; the Ministry of Education issued a briefing to promote the advanced experience of the college in colleges and universities across the country; the central leader Liu Yandong gave instructions on the practice of the college twice. Leaders of provincial ministries and commissions such as Jiang Daming and Lu Xin successively went to the college for investigation and study, and gave full determination to the work of the college.

Only hard work is the best experience of the value of life! At present, people of Zibo Vocational College are adhering to this belief, unite and forge ahead, forge ahead in order to train more and better technical and skilled personnel, and make greater contributions to economic and social development!

淄博职业学院坐 落于齐国故都、工业名城、国家园林城市、全国文明城市山东省淄博市。鲁中地区独特的经济结构和文化底蕴赋予了学院尚工重商、医学人文并举的专业特色。学院 在2006年教育部人才培养工作水平评估中获得优秀等次;2007年入选国家示范性高等职业院校建设单位,2010年以优秀成绩通过验收;先后获得全国职 业教育先进单位、全国精神文明建设工作先进单位等荣誉称号。







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