广西 贺州


贺州学院(英文:Hezhou University)是具有70多年办学历史经国家教育部批准设立的一所全日制多科性普通本科院校。校址位于桂湘粤三省(区)交界的区域性交通枢纽城市——贺州市交通便利




[历史沿革] 学校前身是梧州师范高等专科学校,其办学历史可以追溯到创建于1943年的广西省立平乐师范学校,后更名或改建为贺县师范学校、八步师范学校、梧州地区教师进修学院、梧州地区教育学院、梧州师范高等专科学校(2004年元月贺州市师范学校并入梧州师范高等专科学校)等,2006年2月经国家教育部批准正式建立贺州学院。2008

[校园校舍] 学校现有东、西两个校区,占地总面积1400多亩,校舍面积27万平方米。

[图书设备] 学校馆藏纸质图书98.19 万册,教学仪器设备总值7190万元。建成了数字化校园网络平台。

[师资队伍] 学校现有在职教职工847 人,专任教师546人,其中正高级职称35 人、副高级职称168 人,博士、硕士学位教师共327 人。

[学科专业] 学校现招生的普通本科专业36 个、专科专业12

[教学科研] 学校拥有广西重点学科2 个、广西高校特色专业5 个、广西急需专业1个、广西高校重点研究基地1个、广西高校重点实验室2
项(合作)、一等奖1项、二等奖2 项、三等奖6 项。

[校园文化] 学校传承“自强、自立、求知、求真”校训精神,坚持“质量立校、人才强校、特色兴校、文化铸校”办学理念、以“理想信念教育”为主题,以实施“大学生素质拓展计划”为主线,以“桂东百家讲坛”、“红五月科技文化艺术节”为品牌,大力开展校园文化建设活动。学生参加科技竞赛活动,获全国和自治区级学科竞赛奖953
项,其中包括“挑战杯”一等奖在内的国家级竞赛奖42项,自治区级竞赛获奖925项;参加文艺竞赛活动,获全国大学生艺术展演舞蹈类一等奖1 项、二等奖2

[合作与交流] 学校积极推进产教融合校企合作,与凤凰卫视集团·凤凰教育合作建设“数字媒体产业人才项目实训基地”,与中兴通讯合作共建“贺州学院-中兴通讯产教融合创新基地”,与用友新道科技有限公司共建贺州学院新道经济管理学院,与广东宝贤集团共建贺州学院餐饮管理学院,与广西三诺电子有限公司共建三诺科技学院,与钟山县人民政府共建了村镇学院等。学校积极拓展国际交流与合作,先后与泰国、韩国、越南、印度尼西亚、日本、马来西亚等国10多所大学建立了校际联系或合作关系,已选送12批学生出国学习,招收了11批外国留学生。


Hezhou College (Hezhou)

University) is a full-time general undergraduate university with a history of more than 70 years and approved by the Ministry of Education. The school is located in Hezhou, a regional transportation hub city at the junction of Guangxi, Hunan and Guangdong provinces (regions), with convenient transportation. Guiyang-Guangzhou high-speed railway, Guiwu highway, Guanghe highway and Luozhan railway run through the whole territory, and the train can go directly to Beijing and Shanghai. the high-speed train goes to Guangzhou for an hour and a half and Guilin for an hour.

[historical evolution] The school, formerly known as Wuzhou normal College, can be traced back to Lipingle normal School in Guangxi Province, which was founded in 1943. Later, it was renamed or rebuilt into Hexian normal School, eight-step normal School, Wuzhou Teachers College, Wuzhou Regional Institute of Education, Wuzhou normal College (Hezhou normal School was merged into Wuzhou normal College in January 2004) and so on. Hezhou College was formally established in February 2006 with the approval of the Ministry of Education. 2008

The school was granted the right to grant a bachelor’s degree in 2013

In 2008, it was listed as the construction unit of the right to grant a new master’s degree in Guangxi, and successfully passed the undergraduate teaching qualification evaluation of the Ministry of Education; in 2014, the school was formally approved to join the China Applied Technology University (College) Alliance.

[campus buildings] The school has two campuses in the east and west, covering a total area of more than 1400 mu and a campus area of 270000 square meters.

[book equipment] The school has a collection of 981900 paper books, with a total value of 71.9 million yuan for teaching equipment. A digital campus network platform has been built.

[faculty] The school has 847 in-service staff and 546 full-time teachers, including 35 senior titles, 168 deputy senior titles and 327 doctoral and master’s degree teachers.

[discipline major] The school currently enrolls 36 general undergraduate majors and 12 junior college majors.

There are 10049 full-time students, including 8684 undergraduates and 1365 junior college students. There are schools of Culture and Media, Foreign languages, Science, Economics and Management, Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Chemistry and Biological Engineering, computer Science and Information Engineering, teacher Education, Music, Design, physical Education, Marxism (Politics and History), Applied Technology, Architectural Engineering, etc. 14

A college. At present, the school has developed into an applied undergraduate university based on engineering, science and pedagogy, with the coordinated development of literature, economics, management, art, law and other disciplines.

[teaching and research] The school has 2 key disciplines in Guangxi, 5 characteristic majors in Guangxi universities, 1 urgent major in Guangxi, 1 key research base in Guangxi universities, and 2 key laboratories in Guangxi universities.

One training base for key laboratories in colleges and universities in Guangxi, and one academician workstation focusing on fruit and vegetable preservation and deep processing. Guangxi Horseshoe processing Engineering and Technology Research Center has been approved and established, which is a key teacher education base in Guangxi. A museum of ethnic culture with local characteristics, a museum of mining and metallurgical coins in Hezhou, a museum of art works of Lin Hantao and a museum of wood carving have been built. it has formed research in the areas of ethnic culture in Nanling Corridor, Hezhou dialect, and the utilization and development of characteristic resources in eastern Guangxi, and achieved a number of high-level teaching and scientific research achievements. The school has undertaken 568 scientific research projects at the municipal level and above.

Among them, 14 at the national level, 94 at the provincial and ministerial level, 46 provincial and municipal scientific research awards, 58 state-authorized patents, and 732 core journal papers published. It has won 91 teaching research projects at the autonomous level, and the special prize for the teaching achievement award at the autonomous district level.

(cooperation), 1 first prize, 2 second prize and 6 third prize.

[campus culture] The school inherits the spirit of “self-improvement, self-reliance, seeking knowledge and truth”, adheres to the concept of “establishing a school with quality, strengthening talents, invigorating the school with characteristics, and cultural casting school”, and takes “ideal and belief education” as the theme. Take the implementation of “College students’ quality Development Plan” as the main line, take “Guidong hundred pulpit” and “Red May Science and Technology Culture and Art Festival” as the brand, vigorously carry out campus culture construction activities. Students participated in science and technology competitions and won 953 awards at the national and autonomous district level.

Including 42 national competition prizes, including the first prize of the Challenge Cup, and 925 prizes in autonomous district competitions; participated in literary and art competitions and won 1 first prize and 2 second prizes in the national college students’ art exhibition and dance category.

There are 3 first prizes and 7 second prizes for art performances of college students in Guangxi.

8 items and 8 third prizes. “Red May Science, Technology, Culture and Art Festival” won the Outstanding Achievement Award of Guangxi University Campus Culture Construction; “Chinese Dream my Dream” Hezhou College students’ art tour to the countryside and “moral Lecture Hall” won the third prize of excellent Achievement in Guangxi University Campus Culture Construction. Xinhuanet, Guangxi Daily and other high-end media reported dozens of school news.

[cooperation and Exchange] The school actively promotes the cooperation between schools and enterprises in the integration of industry and education, and cooperates with Phoenix Education of Phoenix Satellite TV Group to build “Digital Media Industry Talent Project training Base”, and cooperates with ZTE to build “Hezhou College-ZTE Industry-Education Integration Innovation Base”. With Yuyou Xindao Technology Co., Ltd. to build Hezhou College Xindao School of Economics and Management, and Guangdong Baoxian Group to build Hezhou College Food and Beverage Management School Jointly built Sannuo Institute of Science and Technology with Guangxi Sannuo Electronics Co., Ltd., and village college with the people’s Government of Zhongshan County. The school has actively expanded international exchanges and cooperation, and has successively established intercollegiate contacts or cooperative relations with more than 10 universities in Thailand, South Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia and other countries. 12 batches of students have been selected to study abroad and 11 batches of foreign students have been recruited.

The school has a beautiful environment and green grass. It has been awarded as “National Greening Model Unit”, “National demonstration Unit of economical Public institutions”, “National Advanced University for Energy Saving Management”, “National language Standardization demonstration School”, and National 3A Scenic spot. Honorary titles such as “Green Advanced Collective”, “Green University”, “civilized Unit”, “civilized Health School”, “safe and civilized Campus” and “harmonious School” at the autonomous region level.

贺州学院(英文:Hezhou University)是具有70多年办学历史,经国家教育部批准设立的一所全日制多科性普通本科院校。校址位于桂、湘、粤三省(区)交界的区域**通枢纽城市——贺州市,交通便利,贵广高铁、桂梧高速、广贺高速、洛湛铁路贯通全境,火车可直达北京、上海,高铁到广州一个半小时,到桂林一个小时。







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