




Youdao is a subsidiary of NetEase that uses big data technology to provide mobile Internet applications. Starting with search products and technology, youdao has profound technology accumulation in the field of large-scale data storage and computing, and derives three core business directions: language translation applications and services, personal cloud applications and e-commerce shopping guide services. At present, NetEase youdao has launched youdao Dictionary, Youdao spoken language Master, Youdao School, Youdao cloud notes, Youdaoyun collaboration, Huihui.com, Huihui Shopping Assistant and other user products, as well as youdao easy to cast, Youdao Wisdom and other commercial products.

Youdao Dictionary is the world’s first all-round free language translation software based on search engine technology produced by NetEase youdao, which provides high-quality and smooth word search and translation services for all-age learners. In December 2007, the desktop version of youdao Dictionary was officially launched, and in January 2009, the first mobile version of youdao Dictionary was launched, and now it has achieved full platform coverage. As of April 2015, NetEase’s youdao Dictionary (desktop version + mobile version) has more than 500 million users and a market share of 70%, ranking first in similar products, and is NetEase’s largest client and mobile product.

In June 2011, youdao launched the 1.0Beta version of youdao Notes, which aims to use cloud storage technology to help users build an easily accessible and secure cloud note space to solve the problem of cross-platform and cross-location management of personal data and information. On December 6, 2011, youdao’s notes were upgraded to the official version and renamed “Youdao cloud notes”. Released in November 2014, Youyun collaboration is a necessary collaboration tool for efficient teams. Team materials are shared by many people, edit and modify documents together, and provide historical version comparison to make work more convenient. As of May 2015, the total number of users has exceeded 33 million, and the number of new teams / project groups of cloud collaboration users has exceeded 240000.

Shopping products

In September 2012, the former youdao Shopping search, Youdao Shopping Assistant and NetEase cashback were fully integrated, and Huihui online, with the purpose of “endorsing for consumers”, presented value-for-money, practical and timely discount information to consumers, and ensured that the information was objective and fair. In March 2015, Huihui Shopping Assistant, a popular price comparison tool, launched the “one-click Haitao” function to help consumers do shopping on overseas e-commerce sites such as Amazon. At present, Huihui Shopping Assistant has a cumulative installation of 80 million, one-click Haitao online 7 merchants.

有道精品课-网易旗下在线教育平台。联合有道词典团队共同打 造:四六级、考研、GRE、托福、雅思、口语等精品课程。有受访央视的名师提供最好的四六级/考研/GRE培训、资料、真题、学习app等,是最受学生欢迎的个性化学习平台







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