


贵阳新东方烹饪学校座落在贵阳市花溪大道, 学院交通便利,环境优美。 学院占地面积50余 亩,可同时容纳2500余人学习和生活。 学院是1994年经省政府备案、省市劳动和教育部门批准成立的一所立足贵州辐射全国的著名的高等烹饪专业院校, 开辟了我省烹饪职业教育的新天地,是我国实施劳动预备制定点培训单位。



一. 两年制技能+学历大专班

1. 理论学习内容:烹饪概论、烹饪工艺学、大学语文、饭店管理、公共关系学、旅游经济学、人力资源开发与管理、市场营销、会计学、烹饪原料学、餐饮企业管理、筵席设计、烹饪营养学、面点工艺学、西餐知识、计算机基础、财务管理、市场经济学。

2. 实践内容:八大菜系经典名菜、宫廷名菜、药膳食疗菜;川黔代表菜、精品工艺菜、艺术创新菜;瓜雕、泡沫雕,琼脂雕、创意组合雕、大型艺术整雕;卤菜凉菜制作、烧烤技术、艺术拼盘、时尚鲜果盘;风味宴席菜、喜庆宴席菜、年节宴席菜;各式火锅、干锅、锅仔、铁板烧;中西式面点、民间风味小吃;西餐技术和计算机操作技能。

3. 培养目标:以培养“强技能、懂经营、善管理”的高层次综合型专用人才为目标。

4. 就业情况:通过设在全国庞大的的就业网络,免费、负责任的为学员推荐就业、100%推荐到高档宾馆、酒店就业、就业后学校将实行跟踪服务,若有特殊情况可再次推荐就业。




① 烹饪工艺方面实际操作能力和组织能力。

② 经济信息的综合处理、充分利用信息的能力;

③ 商场调查研究和市场预测能力;

④ 借助字典查阅外文资料和社交口语能力;

⑤ 把计算机作为工具使用的能力。

Brief introduction of Guiyang New Oriental Cooking School

Guiyang New Oriental Cooking School is a national chain school, based on the beautiful culinary talents professional colleges and universities. The school always aims to “gather famous dishes from all over the world and train elite chefs”. It uses theory to guide practice and teach students in accordance with their aptitude. Militarization requirements and closed management are adopted in management, and employment colleges have specially set up employment placement networks in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Nanjing, Chengdu and other areas, one for more than one-year graduates.

Guiyang New Oriental Cuisine School is located in Huaxi Avenue, Guiyang City, with convenient transportation and beautiful environment. The college covers an area of more than 50 mu and can accommodate more than 2500 people to study and live at the same time. The college is a famous higher culinary college based on Guizhou radiation, which was put on record by the provincial government and approved by the provincial and municipal labor and education departments in 1994, opening up a new world of culinary vocational education in our province. it is a training unit for the implementation of labor preparation in China.

Professional setting

Chef elite professional

one。 Two-year college course with skills and academic qualifications

1. Theoretical study content: introduction to cooking, culinary technology, college Chinese, hotel management, public relations, tourism economics, human resources development and management, marketing, accounting, cooking raw materials, catering enterprise management, banquet design, culinary nutrition, pastry technology, western food knowledge, computer foundation, financial management, market economics.

two。 Practical content: eight major cuisines classic cuisine, palace cuisine, medicinal dietary therapy dishes; Sichuan and Guizhou representative dishes, fine handicraft dishes, artistic innovation dishes; melon carving, foam carving, Agar carving, creative combination carving, large-scale art whole carving; halogen cold dish production, barbecue technology, artistic platter, fashionable fresh fruit plate; flavor banquet dishes, festive banquet dishes, New year festival banquet dishes; all kinds of hot pot, dry pot, pot, teppanyaki Chinese and Western style noodles, folk snacks; Western food technology and computer operation skills.

3. Training goal: to train high-level comprehensive special talents with “strong skills, good management and good management” as the goal.

4. Employment situation: through the huge employment network set up in the country, free and responsible employment recommendation for students, 100% recommendation to high-end hotels, hotel employment, post-employment school will implement tracking services, if there are special circumstances, you can recommend employment again.

Culinary technology major

two。 Culinary technology major

Main study: “Food and Beverage Management and practice”, “Cooking Materials”, “Cooking Technology”, “Cooking Nutrition”, “Banquet Design”, “Noodle Technology”. Complete the basic training necessary for senior applied talents of this major, systematically master the basic theories and basic skills of the major, have a wide range of knowledge and strong social adaptability, and enable students to have the following professional abilities

1 practical operation ability and organization ability of cooking technology.

(2) the ability to comprehensively process and make full use of economic information.

(3) Market investigation and research and market forecasting ability

(4) consult foreign language materials and social speaking ability with the help of dictionary

5 the ability to use computers as tools.









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