湖南 长沙







  学院扎根三湘大地,办学 60 余载,主动对接现代服务业高端发展,确定了“立足长沙、服务‘三湘’”的办学定位,科学构建了餐饮管理、电子商务等6个专业群,助力长沙“美食之都”“会展名城”“世界旅游目的地”、打造跨境电商综合试验区等城市品牌建设和湖南餐饮业、 旅游业和商贸业发展,为长沙率先实现基本现代化和建设美丽幸福新湖南做出了 应有的贡献,取得了丰硕的办学成果。2019年6月,学校被认定为国家优质专科高等职业院校。2018年,学校《湘菜产业专业群与行业企业深度融合共同发展的研究与实践》获得国家级教学成果二等奖,会计专业成功被国家教育部立项为第三批国家现代学徒制试点项目,学校《创新思政课理论教学“四化教学”模式》和《立足“三湘办学”服务社会经济发展》两个案例成功入选《中国高等职业教育质量年度报告(2018)》、学校案例《产教融合培育湘菜人才协同创新助推产业升级》作为职业教育创新发展三年行动计划重要成果被教育厅推选到教育部等。2017年,旅游管理、会展策划与管理两个专业立项为全国职业院校旅游类示范专业点,为湖南省旅游类唯一立项院校。近五年来,会计专业、烹调工艺与营养专业为“优秀”等级省级示范性特色专业,湘菜产业专业群为省级示范性特色专业群,省级示范性特色专业、省级精品专业、国家教育部与财政部重点建设专业已达八个。连续多年被评为湖南省普通高校毕业生就业工作“一把手工程”督查优秀单位。在湖南省职业院校技能竞赛、创新创业大赛上,我校学生成绩一直名列前茅。



Changsha Vocational and Technical College of Commerce, Trade and Tourism is a full-time public ordinary university sponsored by the people’s Government of Changsha and guided by the Education Department of Hunan Province. it has a history of more than 60 years. At present, the college is the national high-quality junior higher vocational colleges, high-level higher vocational schools with Chinese characteristics and professional construction plan construction units, Hunan exemplary (backbone) higher vocational colleges and the first batch of excellent higher vocational colleges in Hunan Province. Hunan civilized units, national Huang Yanpei excellent schools, the second batch of national digital campus construction experimental schools and higher vocational tourism state-level school-enterprise cooperation demonstration base and so on. Be praised as & ldquo by social beauty Business Whampoa & rdquo; and & ldquo; cradle of managers & rdquo;.

The college is located in Changsha Vocational Education Base of Yuhua Economic Development Zone. At present, there are nearly 9000 students and 522 faculty members, including & ldquo; double-qualified & rdquo; teachers, 145professors and associate professors. young and middle-aged teachers basically have doctoral or master’s degrees; 15 well-known experts or industry masters serve as visiting professors. The college has eight second-level teaching colleges, including Hunan Cuisine College, Accounting College, Economics and Trade College, Tourism Management College, Culture and creativity College, Software College, Entrepreneurship School, continuing Education and International Cooperation College, and two departments (Public course Teaching and Research Department, ideological and political course Teaching and Research Department). There are altogether 10 teaching departments, and there are 4 research institutes of Hunan cuisine, Hunan business, Hunan tourism and higher vocational research.

The college has been rooted in Sanxiang for more than 60 years, actively docked with the high-end development of modern service industry, determined that & ldquo; is based on Changsha, Service & lsquo; Sanxiang & rsquo;”, and scientifically constructed six professional groups such as catering management and e-commerce to help Changsha & ldquo; Food Capital & rdquo;“ Convention and Exhibition City & rdquo;“ World Tourism destination & rdquo The brand construction of cities such as the establishment of comprehensive pilot areas for cross-border e-commerce and the development of Hunan’s catering, tourism and trade industries have made due contributions to Changsha taking the lead in realizing basic modernization and building a beautiful and happy new Hunan, and achieved fruitful results in running a school. In June 2019, the school was recognized as a national high-quality vocational college. In 2018, the school’s “Research and practice on the Deep Integration and Development of Hunan Cuisine Industry Specialty Group and Industry Enterprises” won the second prize for national teaching achievements. The accounting major was successfully established by the Ministry of Education as the third batch of national modern apprenticeship pilot projects. The school’s “innovative ideological and political Theory Teaching & ldquo; four Modernization Teaching & rdquo; Mode” and “foothold & ldquo; Sanxiang School & rdquo” Two cases of serving social and economic development were successfully selected into the Annual report on the quality of higher Vocational Education in China (2018), and the school case “Integration of production and Education, cultivation of Hunan cuisine talents and Innovation to promote Industrial upgrading” was selected by the Department of Education to the Ministry of Education as an important achievement of the three-year action plan for the innovative development of vocational education. In 2017, the two majors of tourism management, convention and exhibition planning and management were established as the demonstration professional spots of tourism in vocational colleges across the country, and the only tourism colleges in Hunan Province. In the past five years, the majors of accounting, cooking technology and nutrition are & ldquo; excellent & rdquo; provincial demonstration specialty, Hunan cuisine industry specialty group is provincial demonstration specialty group, there are eight provincial demonstration specialty, provincial boutique specialty, key construction major of Ministry of Education and Ministry of Finance. For many years in a row, it has been rated as an excellent unit for the employment of ordinary college graduates in Hunan Province & the top project of ldquo; & rdquo; supervision and inspection. In Hunan Vocational College skills Competition, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, our school students have been among the best.

The college deepens the integration of industry and education and the cooperation between universities and enterprises to improve the quality of personnel training. Since 2016, the college has cooperated deeply with the government affairs hotel under the Administration of State organs Affairs and the General Administration of organs Affairs of the Central military Commission. For three consecutive years, teachers and students have served representatives and committee members of the National & ldquo; and rdquo; in Jingxi Hotel and other major government hotels, as well as representatives of the 19th CPC National Congress in 2017. In 2018, the college established JD.com Xiang Business College, which operates the WeChat Business Department together with JD.com Group. In recent years, the college has signed close school-enterprise cooperation agreements with more than 20 enterprises, including China International Travel Service, Xiamen Airlines, Wuhan Houpu Education and Technology Co., Ltd., Continental Hotel of Changsha Beichen, Changsha Catering Group and so on. Signed & ldquo; Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement & rdquo; with Jiangsu JD.com Information Technology Co., Ltd., Changsha Yiya Industrial Co., Ltd., Beijing Tangfeng Chinese Education Technology Co., Ltd., etc. The college has established friendly intercollegiate relations and carried out exchanges and cooperation with Taiwan’s Kaohsiung Hotel University, Taiwan’s Hongguang University of Science and Technology, and Purdue University in the United States. The college has constructed a new model of industry-education integration and built a new platform for school-enterprise education. At the end of 2017, the college was selected as a demonstration base for school-enterprise cooperation between the Ministry of Education and the National Tourism Administration.

At present, the college is taking advantage of the situation to deepen the construction of Hunan excellent higher vocational colleges and strive for the development goal of building high-level higher vocational colleges and professional groups with Chinese characteristics.








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