

  郑州教育信息网2001年开始运行,经过十多年来的不断建设与完善,在教育城域网建设、数字化校园管理、优质资源共享, 以及信息化在教育教学方面的管理、应用、研究等方面取得了显著的成果,网站连年多次被上级部门评为优秀网站,并被确定为 首批河南省重点建设网站。

  伴随着郑州市中小学班班通工程的实施,目前,郑州教育城域网和教学专网以中国联通、郑州广电、郑州移动三家网络运营 商的MPLS VPN网络为平台,采用光纤接入方式,节点覆盖了郑州市教育局直属学校,郑州市辖6个县级市、6个市辖区和经开区、 高新区、郑东新区、航空港区等 4区布局调整规划明确保留的教育部门办城市和农村普通小学、初级中学、九年一贯制学校、高 级中学、特殊教育学校、教师进修学校,共1300多所中小学。实现了光纤到学校,百兆网络通到每间教室及备课室的目标,并为 每所项目学校配备了相应的网络设备,从“黑板时代”走向“黑板与白版”融合共生的新时代,加速推动了郑州教育现代化发展 步伐。 郑州教育信息网目前有工作人员28名,下设网络建设部、网站管理部、学生卡管理中心等部门。

  网站开设有教育资源、新闻 资讯、政务中心、教育博客、教育微博、精品课堂、数字图书馆、电子期刊、学生作文、新闻周刊等多个子频道及特色栏目,教 育信息化整体应用(如中招报名、网上查询、网上评卷、电子政务、学籍管理、学生卡应用、网络视频会议等)全面服务于教育教 学,信息技术经融入到教育的各个环节。 多年来,在教育部教育管理信息中心统计的数据中,郑州教育信息网的访问量在地市级教育信息网中一直稳步保持在全国前 列,被教育部授予“教育信息化建设先进单位”称号。在首届全国教育门户网站评比中,郑州教育信息网荣获“地市级五十佳网 站”称号。

  郑州市教育信息网将继续坚持“以教育信息化带动教育现代化”的理念,以科技推动教育发展方式转变为要义,积极探索实 践郑州市教育信息化发展的道路,推动现代教育信息技术跨上新的台阶,为郑州市教育强市建设和教育教学改革做出应有的贡献。

Zhengzhou Education Information Network is a comprehensive network service platform sponsored by Zhengzhou Education Bureau and managed by Zhengzhou Modern Education Information Technology Center, which serves the city’s educational administrative departments, schools and teachers and students. The central website computer room is located in Zhengzhou Education TV Station, No. 314 Nanyang Road.

Zhengzhou Education Information Network began to operate in 2001. After more than a decade of continuous construction and improvement, it has made remarkable achievements in the construction of educational metropolitan area network, digital campus management, and the sharing of high-quality resources, as well as the management, application and research of informatization in education and teaching. the website has been rated as an excellent website by superior departments many times in successive years, and has been identified as the first batch of key construction websites in Henan Province.

With the implementation of Zhengzhou primary and secondary school class communication project, at present, Zhengzhou education metropolitan area network and teaching special network take the MPLS VPN network of China Unicom, Zhengzhou Radio and Television and Zhengzhou Mobile as the platform, adopt optical fiber access mode, and the nodes cover the schools directly under Zhengzhou Education Bureau. Zhengzhou has jurisdiction over six county-level cities, six municipal districts and four districts, namely, the Economic Development Zone, the High-tech Zone, the Zhengdong New area and the Aviation Port area. there are more than 1300 primary and secondary schools, junior middle schools, nine-year schools, senior middle schools, special education schools, and teacher education schools. Achieve the goal of fiber to school, 100 megabit network to every classroom and lesson preparation room, and equip each project school with corresponding network equipment, from & ldquo; blackboard era & rdquo; to & ldquo; blackboard and whiteboard & rdquo; fusion symbiosis new era, accelerate the development of Zhengzhou education modernization. Zhengzhou Education Information Network currently has 28 staff, including the Ministry of Network Construction, the Department of website Management, the Student Card Management Center and other departments.

The website has many sub-channels and characteristic columns, such as educational resources, news and information, government affairs center, educational blog, educational Weibo, high-quality classroom, digital library, electronic periodical, student composition, Newsweek and so on. the overall application of educational informatization (such as enrollment, online inquiry, online marking, e-government, student status management, student card application, network video conference, etc.) serves education and learning in an all-round way. Information technology has been integrated into all aspects of education. Over the years, in the statistics of the Education Management Information Center of the Ministry of Education, the visit volume of Zhengzhou Education Information Network has been steadily in the forefront of the country in the prefecture-level education information network, and has been awarded the title of “ldquo; Education Informatization Construction Advanced Unit-rdquo;” by the Ministry of Education. In the evaluation of the first national education portal, Zhengzhou Education Information Network was awarded the title of ldquo; prefecture-level 50 best website & rdquo;.

Zhengzhou Education Information Network will continue to adhere to the concept that ldquo; uses educational informationization to drive educational modernization & rdquo;, take the transformation of science and technology to promote the development of education, actively explore the way to practice the development of educational informatization in Zhengzhou, promote modern educational information technology to a new level, and make due contributions to the construction of a strong education city and the reform of education and teaching in Zhengzhou.








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