

山东省科学院成立于1979年是省政府直属的事业单位是山东省最大的综合性自然科学研究机构前身为始建于1958年的 中国科学院山东分院。经过三十多年的发展



山东省科学院成立于1979年,是省政府直属的事业单位,是山东省最大的综合性自然科学研究机构,前身为始建于1958年的 中国科学院山东分院。经过三十多年的发展,山东省科学院初步建成创新体系完整、特色鲜明、能力较强、发展持续的现代科研院所,成为全省最大的公共综合科技 创新平台,在全省科技创新体系中发挥了重要的支撑和前沿骨干作用,综合实力居于全国地方科研院所前列。

全院下设海洋仪器仪表研究所、激光研 究所、山东省计算中心、山东省分析测试中心、自动化研究所、能源研究所、新材料研究所、生物研究所、生态研究所(生物中心)、山东省科技发展战略研究所、 情报研究所、高新技术产业(中试)基地12家创新研究机构和省经济与信息化发展研究院,分布在济南、青岛、济宁三个城市,并在临沂、济宁设立分院。全院占 地面积1350亩,建筑面积20万平方米。资产总额20余亿元,大型科研仪器设备近千台套。

山东省科学院坚持以高层次人才为龙头,实施人才 引进培养系统工程,打造高水平创新创业人才团队。现有职工2500多人,在职专业技术人员近2000人。其中院士、千人计划专家、享受政府特殊津贴专家、 国家和级有突出贡献的中青年专家、泰山学者岗位特聘专家等高层次人才70余人;硕士以上900余人,其中博士300余人。2010、2011、2012连 续获得省科研单位人才工作考核第一名。1个团队入选省优秀创新团队。

山东省科学院坚持以科研为中心,重点开展基础与应用基础、重大关键共性 技术、前沿技术和社会公益研究。全院建有国家超算中心、国家工程技术研究中心、国际科技合作基地等13个国家级研发平台,省重点实验室、省工程实验室、省 工程技术研究中心等62个省级研发平台,拥有海洋监测装备、节能技术与大型干燥装备、生物质气化技术、光纤传感技术、汽车电子技术、高性能计算、物联网与 云计算、信息安全、先进制造与工业控制、生物传感等一批国内优势研究领域。建院以来取得专利、软件著作权、标准1200余项;获得科技成果1300余项, 获奖成果530余项。现形成每年承担各类课题500余项,取得专利、软件著作权及技术标准200余项的能力。

山东省科学院与世界20多个国 家和地区的高校、科研机构、知名企业开展国际科技合作,带动全省对外科技交流合作水平和层次不断提高。建有中国—白俄罗斯高新技术科技园、海洋仪器装备两 个国际科技合作基地和国家海洋装备国际联合研究中心,与德国弗劳恩霍夫协会、台湾工业技术研究院、俄罗斯国家科学院、乌克兰巴顿所等国外知名科研机构建立 了长期紧密合作关系,联合建设了一批研发平台。与我院合作专家3位获国家友谊奖,12位获齐鲁友谊奖,2位获山东省国际科学技术合作奖,获奖人数位于省同 类单位前列。我院1名同志被授予白俄罗斯共和国勋章,1名同志荣获乌克兰国家科学院骑士勋章、俄罗斯人类自然与生态安全国际科学院终身院士。

山东省科学院以十八大精神为指引,推动党建和精神文明建设水平不断提高。坚持以思想建党为先,各级党组织和广大党员理论水平不断提高,同党中央保持政治上的 高度一致。努力抓好组织建设,各级领导班子领导发展的能力不断增强。以提高干部职工的文明素质为重点,全面开展精神文明创建活动,我院被命名为省级文明单 位,驻济单位全部进入省直文明单位行列。

Shandong Academy of Sciences, founded in 1979, is an institution directly under the provincial government and the largest comprehensive natural science research institution in Shandong Province, formerly known as the Shandong Branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which was founded in 1958. After more than 30 years of development, Shandong Academy of Sciences has initially established a modern scientific research institute with complete innovation system, distinctive characteristics, strong ability and sustainable development, and has become the largest public comprehensive scientific and technological innovation platform in the province. it has played an important supporting and leading role in the province’s scientific and technological innovation system, and its comprehensive strength ranks in the forefront of local scientific research institutes in the country.

The whole hospital consists of Marine Instrumentation Institute, Laser Research Institute, Shandong Computing Center, Shandong Analysis and testing Center, Automation Research Institute, Energy Research Institute, New Materials Research Institute, Biology Research Institute, Ecological Research Institute (Biological Center), Shandong Science and Technology Development Strategy Research Institute, Information Research Institute, High-tech Industry (pilot) Base 12 Innovation Research institutions and Provincial Economic and Information Development Research Institute It is distributed in Jinan, Qingdao and Jining, and branches are set up in Linyi and Jining. The whole hospital occupies a land area of 1350 mu and a construction area of 200000 square meters. It has total assets of more than 2 billion yuan and nearly 1000 sets of large-scale scientific research instruments and equipment.

Shandong Academy of Sciences insists on taking high-level talents as the leader, implements the systematic project of introducing and training talents, and creates a team of high-level innovative and entrepreneurial talents. At present, there are more than 2500 employees and nearly 2000 professional and technical personnel. Among them, there are more than 70 high-level talents, such as academicians, experts of the Thousand talents Plan, experts enjoying special government subsidies, young and middle-aged experts with outstanding contributions from the state and level, specially appointed experts from Mount Tai scholars, and more than 900 people with master’s degrees or above, including more than 300 doctorates. In 2010, 2011 and 2012, they continuously won the first place in the work assessment of talents in provincial scientific research institutions. One team was selected as the provincial excellent innovation team.

Shandong Academy of Sciences adheres to scientific research as the center, focusing on basic and applied foundations, major key common technologies, cutting-edge technologies and social welfare research. The institute has 13 national R & D platforms, including National supercomputing Center, National Engineering Technology Research Center, International Science and Technology Cooperation Base, and 62 provincial R & D platforms, including provincial key laboratories, provincial engineering laboratories, provincial engineering and technology research centers, etc. It has marine monitoring equipment, energy-saving technology and large-scale drying equipment, biomass gasification technology, optical fiber sensing technology, automotive electronics technology, high-performance computing, Internet of things and cloud computing, information security, advanced manufacturing and industrial control, biosensor and other domestic research fields. Since its establishment, it has obtained more than 1200 patents, software copyrights and standards, more than 1300 scientific and technological achievements and more than 530 award-winning achievements. Now it has the ability to undertake more than 500 projects and obtain more than 200 patents, software copyrights and technical standards every year.

The Shandong Academy of Sciences has carried out international scientific and technological cooperation with universities, scientific research institutions and well-known enterprises in more than 20 countries and regions in the world, leading the province to continuously improve the level and level of foreign scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation. It has established a China-Belarus High-tech Science and Technology Park, two international scientific and technological cooperation bases for marine instruments and equipment, and a national joint research center for marine equipment. It has established long-term and close cooperation with well-known foreign scientific research institutions such as the Fraunhoff Association of Germany, the Taiwan Industrial Technology Research Institute, the Russian National Academy of Sciences and the Patton Institute of Ukraine, and jointly built a number of R & D platforms. 3 experts who cooperated with our hospital won the National Friendship Award, 12 won the Qilu Friendship Award, and 2 won the Shandong International Science and Technology Cooperation Award. The number of winners is in the forefront of the same kind of units in the province. One comrade of our college was awarded the Medal of the Republic of Belarus, one comrade was awarded the Knight Medal of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and a lifelong academician of the Russian International Academy of Human Nature and Ecological Security.

Guided by the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress, the Shandong Academy of Sciences promotes the continuous improvement of the level of party building and spiritual civilization construction. Adhere to the ideological party building first, party organizations at all levels and the broad masses of party members continue to improve their theoretical level, and maintain a high degree of political consistency with the Party Central Committee. Efforts have been made to do a good job in organizational building, and the ability of leadership and development of leading bodies at all levels has been continuously enhanced. Focusing on improving the civilized quality of cadres and workers, we have comprehensively carried out the activities of building spiritual civilization. Our hospital has been named the provincial civilization unit, and all the economic units have entered the ranks of provincial-level civilization units.








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