

首都师范大学科德学院自 2004 年创办迄今已走过十个春秋。今日科德以其特有的风姿屹立于北京秉承“科学致用 德业立身”的校训走“精品化艺术化国际化”的特色之路



首都师范大学科德学院自 2004 年创办迄今,已走过十个春秋。今日科德,以其特有的风姿屹立于北京,秉承“科学致用 德业立身”的校训,走“精品化、艺术化、国际化”的特色之路,已成为应用型艺术人才的培养摇篮。

首都师范大学科德学院(学校代码 13629)是经教育部批准实施本科层次学历教育的新型全日制普通高等学校(独立学院)。

学校设有艺术设计学院、传媒学院、演艺学院、国际文化学院、自考部,在校生近5000人。共开设 19 个专业及专业方向,面向全国 31 个省、市、自治区招生。学校成立十年来,共向社会输送了 8300多名毕业生,学生就业率多年保持在 97% 以上。主要有:艺术设计学(视觉传达设计方向、环境艺术设计方向、建筑景观艺术设计方向、影视与舞台美术设计方向、新媒体艺术与动画方向和会展艺术设计方向)、学前教育(双语教学方向、幼儿园管理方向、亲子教育方向)、广播电视编导(新媒体传播方向、文艺编导方向和新闻编导方向)、播音与主持艺术(文艺节目主持方向和新闻节目主持方向)、摄影(图片摄影方向和影视摄影方向)、表演(影视表演方向、歌舞剧表演方向、音乐表演方向、社会舞蹈与传播方向和演出制作管理方向)、会展经济与管理(会展策划与经营方向),工商企业管理(人力资源管理方向、行政管理方向、市场营销方向、战略管理方向)等。



1. 编制并实施新版培养方案,构建“两重两强”培养体系

学校围绕着应用型人才规格特点的要求,以能力培养为重心,构建“两重两强”培养体系 : 即重视基础理论教育;重视创新精神的培养;强化实践技能;强化综合素质。

2. 建设“三个课堂”,拓展适应学生全面发展的培养途径

教学课堂是指课堂教学。通过开展课程建设和教学改革活动,解决课程讲什么和如何讲的问题。结合培养目标,进行了适合应用型人才需求的教学内容、课程体系等多方面的改革。实践课堂是指校内校外实践教学。成立校企·校际合作委员会,合作搭建育人平台,100 余家实习基地为不同层次、不同方向发展的学生提供了更加个性化的实践学习空间,使学生实践创新能力不断提高。国际课堂(境外)——坚定不移地走国际化特色办学之路,培养具有国际视野的应用型艺术人才。自 2010 级开始,学校组织学生参加海外教学实践活动。截至 2014 年 7 月,已有 24 批 2783 名学生、193人次教师参加赴美教学实践活动。目前,我校海外教学实践运作体系已经制度化和常态化,在“学生学习、教师学教、干部学管”等方面取得了一定的成果。2012 年学校的“搭建海外教学实践平台、培养应用型艺术人才”荣获了“第七届北京市高等教育教学成果二等奖”,获得这一教学成果奖在北京市独立学院中尚属首次。


The Institute of Science and Technology of Capital normal University has gone through ten years since it was founded in 2004. Today, Kede stands erect in Beijing with its unique grace. adhering to the school motto of “applying science to virtue” and taking the characteristic road of “high-quality, artistic and international”, it has become the cradle of applied art talents.

The Science and Technology College of Capital normal University (school code 13629) is a new type of full-time ordinary university (independent college) approved by the Ministry of Education to implement undergraduate-level diploma education.

The school has the School of Art and Design, the School of Media, the School of Performing Arts, the School of International Culture and the self-examination Department, with nearly 5000 students. A total of 19 majors and professional directions have been set up to recruit students from 31 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions. In the ten years since its establishment, the school has sent more than 8300 graduates to the society, and the student employment rate has remained above 97% for many years. It mainly includes: art design (visual communication design direction, environmental art design direction, architectural landscape art design direction, film and television and stage art design direction, new media art and animation direction and convention and exhibition art design direction), preschool education (bilingual teaching direction, kindergarten management direction, parent-child education direction), radio and television director (new media communication direction, literature and art direction and news director direction), Broadcasting and hosting art (art program host direction and news program host direction), photography (picture photography direction and film and television photography direction), performance (film and television performance direction, song and dance performance direction, music performance direction, social dance and communication direction and performance production management direction), exhibition economy and management (exhibition planning and management direction) Industrial and commercial enterprise management (human resources management direction, administrative management direction, marketing direction, strategic management direction) and so on.

The school invites experts and scholars from Capital normal University, Communication University Of China, Central Academy of Drama, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing Film Academy and Beijing second Foreign Studies Institute to set up an education and teaching consultation and steering committee. to provide advice and suggestions for the school’s school orientation, development direction and specialty setting, and innovative talent training model, so that the school can follow the laws of education, update educational concepts and broaden international horizons. Refine the characteristics of running a school.

The school aims to cultivate applied art talents with innovative spirit and practical ability, focuses on integrating curriculum content and optimizing curriculum system, and takes promoting students’ development as the starting point. focus on the construction of three classrooms: teaching classroom, practical classroom and overseas international classroom. The school holds a teaching work conference, a seminar on running a school with international characteristics, and issues relevant documents to comprehensively plan the teaching infrastructure.

1. Formulate and implement a new training plan to build a “double and two strong” training system

Centering on the requirements of the specification characteristics of applied talents and focusing on ability training, the school constructs a “two-tier and two-strong” training system, that is, attaching importance to the education of basic theory, attaching importance to the cultivation of innovative spirit, strengthening practical skills and strengthening comprehensive quality.

two。 Build “three classrooms” and expand the training ways to adapt to the all-round development of students

Teaching classroom refers to classroom teaching. By carrying out curriculum construction and teaching reform activities, we can solve the problem of what and how to talk about the course. Combined with the training objectives, we have carried out reforms in many aspects, such as teaching content and curriculum system, which are suitable for the needs of applied talents. Practical classroom refers to the practical teaching inside and outside the school. Set up the inter-school cooperation committee between schools and enterprises, cooperate to build an education platform, and more than 100 internship bases provide more personalized practical learning space for students developing in different levels and directions, so that students’ practical and innovative ability can be continuously improved. International classroom (overseas)-unswervingly follow the road of running a school with international characteristics and train applied art talents with international vision. Since level 2010, the school has organized students to participate in overseas teaching practice activities. As of July 2014, 24 groups of 2783 students and 193 teachers have participated in practical teaching activities in the United States. At present, the operation system of overseas teaching practice in our school has been institutionalized and normalized, and some achievements have been made in the aspects of “students’ learning, teachers’ learning and teaching, cadre learning management” and so on. In 2012, the school’s “Building overseas Teaching practice platform and training Applied Art talents” won the “Seventh Beijing higher Education Teaching Achievement Award”, which is the first time in an independent college in Beijing.

In response to the urgent requirements of the broad masses of students and people from all walks of life, in addition to recruiting ordinary undergraduates, the Institute of Science and Technology of Capital normal University has also carried out the enrollment and training of self-examination for higher education, and set up all kinds of self-examination majors to provide more aspiring young people with opportunities to go to college and good learning conditions.

首都师范大学科德学院自 2004 年创办迄今,已走过十个春秋。今日科德,以其特有的风姿屹立于北京,秉承“科学致用 德业立身”的校训,走“精品化、艺术化、国际化”的特色之路,已成为应用型艺术人才的培养摇篮。







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