山东 济南


外 国语学院的历史可追溯到1901(光绪15)年设立于齐鲁大地首府济南的山东大学堂。山东大学堂在备正两斋 中开设了英德法三个语种的西学课程。1906年



外 国语学院的历史可追溯到1901(光绪15)年设立于齐鲁大地首府济南的山东大学堂。山东大学堂在备、正两斋


1930 年9月20日,在省立山东大学和私立青岛大学的基础上成立了国立青岛大学。外国文学系正式成立,隶属于文学院。1994年更名为外国语学院。2000年


目 前,外国语学院下设九个系,一个教学部和十二个研究所(中心),即英语系、应用英语系、俄语系、日语系、朝语系、法语系、德语系、翻译系、西班牙语系;大

外 国语学院拥有外国语言文学一级学科博士学位授权点,下设英语语言文学、俄语语言文学、日语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学等四个二级学科博士学位授权

学 院现有在职教职工300余人,其中教授25人,副教授93人,博士与在读博士121人。专业外语方向有88名专业教师,包括教授、副教授57人,博士与在


The history of the Institute of Foreign languages can be traced back to Shandong University, which was established in 1901 (Guang Xu 15) in Jinan, the capital of Qilu. Shandong University is preparing and Zhengzhai.

Western courses in English, German and French are offered in China. In 1906, foreign language teaching in Shandong University expanded the teaching content, offering not only English, French, German and Western courses, but also Eastern (Japanese) courses. Seven classes for Western learning, 198 students, and two classes in French, have been set up.

32 students, 151 students in 6 German classes and 30 students in 2 East language classes. 1911

Renamed Shandong University in 2000, there are 8 teachers from the United States, Britain, Germany and Japan. In the 14 years since its establishment, Shandong University has sent 131 students to study in Europe, the United States and Japan.

In 1914 (the third year of the Republic of China), the official establishment of East University

After the school was closed in accordance with the regulations, teachers and students were transferred to six special schools in Shandong Province, namely, legislation and administration, agriculture, commerce, industry, mining and medicine, all of which had foreign language courses.

In 1926, six specialized schools were merged to form Shandong Provincial University, and English and Japanese were offered as compulsory courses.

On September 20, 1930, the National Qingdao University was established on the basis of the provincial Shandong University and the private Qingdao University. The Department of Foreign Literature was officially established and belongs to the College of Arts. In 1994, it changed its name to the Institute of Foreign languages. Year 2000

Merged with the former Foreign languages Department of Shandong University of Technology and the Foreign language Teaching and Research Department of Shandong Medical University to form a new Foreign languages College.

In the long course of development, famous scholars Liang Shiqiu, Hong Shen, Zhao Taiyi, Sun Dayu, Zhao Shaohou, Ling Dayang,

Yuan Zhenying, Liang Xiyan, Luo Niansheng, Huang Jiade, Wu Fuheng, Zhang Jian, Jin Shibo, Lu Fan, Gjinzom, Liu Lanhua and other professors have taught here successively, and they have created a high-level starting point for the Foreign Studies Institute.

It has forged a distinctive mode of running a school and an excellent tradition of academic research, and trained a large number of foreign language talents for the country.

The Institute of Foreign languages has nine departments, one teaching department and twelve research institutes (centers), namely, English Department, Applied English Department, Russian Department, Japanese Department, Korean Department, French Department, German Department, Translation Department and Spanish Department.

Foreign language Teaching Department (with offices, 3 undergraduate teaching and research departments, graduate teaching and research offices, follow-up courses teaching and research rooms, network teaching and research rooms, basic experimental centers of modern educational technology, foreign language testing centers, global web-based video courses

Xinghe Foreign language Teaching Research and Development Center (Xinghe Foreign language Teaching Research and Development Center) undertakes all the public English teaching tasks of graduate students and undergraduates; American Institute of Modern Literature, Center for Japanese Studies, Applied Foreign language and Translation Institute, East Asian Cultural Studies

Research Institute, Russian Studies Center, Translation Studies Center, psycholinguistics Research Center, Corpus Research Center, basic Test Center of Modern Educational Technology, Foreign language Test Center, English Literature Research Center, Clinical Neurolanguage

The Center for academic Research. The college is responsible for the teaching, scientific research and exchange of English, Russian, Japanese, Korean, French, German, Esperanto, Spanish, Italian and other languages.

The Institute of Foreign languages has a doctorate authorization point for the first-tier discipline of foreign language and literature, and four secondary disciplines, namely, English language and literature, Russian language and literature, Japanese language and literature, foreign linguistics and applied linguistics.

It has a master’s degree in first-tier discipline of foreign language and literature, including English language and literature, Russian language and literature, Japanese language and literature, Asian and African language and literature, German language and literature, Spanish language and literature, foreign language.

There are seven master’s degree authorization points for secondary disciplines, such as learning and applied linguistics, as well as translation master’s degree authorization points, with two majors: English interpretation and English translation.

At present, the College has more than 300 faculty members, including 25 professors, 93 associate professors and 121 doctorates and doctorates. There are 88 professional teachers in the field of professional foreign languages, including 57 professors and associate professors.

Among the 63 doctoral students, 90% of the teachers have overseas visit and further study experience. They are an academic team with high academic qualifications and professional titles, reasonable age structure, innovative spirit and development potential.

The college has 5 phonetic laboratories, 10 multimedia classrooms and 1 autonomous learning room, and has a platform for students’ autonomous foreign language learning, which provides students with a good place and opportunity to practice foreign language audio-visual practice. The college has its own reference room, with more than 70,000 books in various languages and a large number of audio materials, and nearly 100 kinds of Chinese and foreign academic journals, which well meet the needs of teaching and scientific research.









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