北京 海淀区


中国农业大学研究生院设立于1984 年是教育部首批批准设立研究生院的院校之 一。研究生院院长由校长柯炳生教授兼任常务副院长为于嘉林教授。研究生院下 设综合办公室管理处



中国农业大学研究生院设立于1984 年,是教育部首批批准设立研究生院的院校之 一。研究生院院长由校长柯炳生教授兼任,常务副院长为于嘉林教授。研究生院下
设综合办公室、管理处、招生办公室、培养处、学位办公室五个处室。党委研究生 工作部与管理处合署办公;中国农业大学研究生教育创新研究中心挂靠研究生院。




The Graduate School of China Agricultural University, established in 1984, is one of the first universities approved by the Ministry of Education to establish a graduate school. The dean of the graduate school is Professor Ke Bingsheng, president, and the executive vice dean is Professor Yu Jialin. Under the graduate school

There are five offices: comprehensive office, management office, admissions office, training office and degree office. The Graduate work Department of the Party Committee is co-signed with the Management Office; the Graduate Education Innovation Research Center of China Agricultural University is affiliated to the Graduate School.

The school now has 6765 full-time postgraduates, including 4122 full-time postgraduates and 2643 full-time doctoral students. There are 1162 tutors and 547 doctoral supervisors. Among them, there are 5 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and 7 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. There are 19 first-tier disciplines authorized for doctoral degrees, 95 authorized points for doctoral degrees, 37 authorized first-tier disciplines for master’s degrees, 171 authorized points for master’s degrees, and 12 postdoctoral mobile stations. It has 6 national key first-level disciplines and 6 national key second-level disciplines, covering a total of 24 second-level disciplines and 21 provincial and ministerial key disciplines. Disciplines cover nine disciplines: agronomy, science, engineering, law, management, philosophy, economics, medicine and literature.

After 105 years of ups and downs, China Agricultural University has developed into a comprehensive university with agriculture as its characteristics and advantages. it has formed a group of subjects with distinct characteristics and complementary advantages, such as agriculture and life science, resources and environmental science, information and computer science, agricultural engineering and automation science, economic management and social science. School

There are 13 colleges, covering nine disciplines, including agronomy, engineering, science, economics, management, law, literature, medicine and philosophy, as well as graduate schools and continuing education schools. The school has 6 national key first-level disciplines and 6 national key second-level disciplines, covering a total of 24 second-level disciplines, 21 provincial and ministerial key disciplines, 3 national key laboratories, 1 national engineering laboratory, 32 provincial and ministerial key laboratories, 5 national research centers, 23 provincial and ministerial research centers; 1 national field observation and research station, 6 ministerial-level field scientific observation experimental stations.

China Agricultural University is one of the sixteen top universities in China. Among the major disciplines, agronomy ranked first in the country, and seven first-tier disciplines, such as plant protection, animal husbandry, veterinary medicine, food science and engineering, and agricultural engineering, ranked first in the country among the 80 first-tier disciplines in the country. Its number ranks third in the country, second only to Peking University and Tsinghua University.

中国农业大学研究生院设立于1984年,是教育部首批批准设立研究生院的院校之 一。研究生院院长由校长柯炳生教授兼任,常务副院长为于嘉林教授。








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