


  化学学院现有教职员工203人,其中专任教师130多名,包括教授64人和副教授68人。教师中含有中国科学院院士10人,教育部长江学者特聘教授22人,国家自然科学基金委员会杰出青年基金获得者39人,国家级教学名师1人,北京市教学名师3人,国家级“百千万人才”9人以及新世纪人才13人等。此外,化学学院入选国家自然科学基金委员会“创新群体”4个和教育部“创新团队”4个。目前,化学学院有在读本科生约600人,研究生500余人,博士后70人左右。2003年以来,化学学院获得国家最高科学技术奖1项、国家自然科学奖二等奖5项、国家技术发明奖二等奖1项以及国家级教学成果奖二等奖 1 项等。


  化学学院受中国化学会和教育部高等学校化学教育研究中心等委托,负责编辑出版《物理化学学报》和《大学化学》两种刊物;与英国皇家学会和中国化学会合办的新的国际学术刊物《Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers》已于2014年正式创刊。学院教师中有70余人次任职于国际学术组织或担任国内外学术期刊的主编、副主编和编委等。


The Department of Chemistry of Peking University, which was founded in 1910, is the earliest department of chemistry in the national university. In 1994, it changed its name to the School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering (hereinafter referred to as the College of Chemistry). Chemistry of Peking University is a national first-level key discipline and ldquo; national science basic science research and teaching talent training base. Rdquo;; has ranked first in the national first-level discipline evaluation of colleges and universities of the Ministry of Education, and ranks about 15 in the evaluation and ranking of related disciplines of chemical colleges (departments) in universities all over the world. The mission of the College of Chemistry has always been to train outstanding talents with independent thinking ability and international competitiveness; to carry out research on key scientific issues in chemistry; and to focus on cross-integration with life and materials and other disciplines.

At present, the College of Chemistry has five research institutes, namely, Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, physical Chemistry and theoretical and Computational Chemistry. There are three departments, namely, the Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, the Department of Applied Chemistry and the Department of Chemical Biology, as well as the basic Chemistry Teaching and experiment Center. The college manages and operates two state key laboratories, two key laboratories of the Ministry of Education, a national defense key discipline laboratory, Peking University Analysis and testing Center and Beijing Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Center. The two newly established interdisciplinary platforms of Peking University & ldquo; Synthesis and functional Biomolecular Center & rdquo; and & ldquo; soft matter Science and Engineering Center & rdquo;- are also attached to the School of Chemistry. At the end of 2003, the Ministry of Science and Technology approved the joint establishment of ldquo; Beijing National Laboratory of Molecular Science & rdquo;, by the School of Chemistry of Peking University and the Institute of Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The College of Chemistry has 203 faculty members, including more than 130 full-time teachers, including 64 professors and 68 associate professors. Among the teachers, there are 10 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 22 specially appointed professors of the Yangtze River Scholars of the Ministry of Education, 39 winners of the Outstanding Youth Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 1 national teacher, 3 Beijing teachers, 10 million national-ldquo; talents & rdquo;9 and 13 talents in the new century. In addition, the College of Chemistry was selected by the National Natural Science Foundation of China & ldquo; Innovation Group & rdquo;4 and the Ministry of Education & ldquo; Innovation team & rdquo;4. At present, the College of Chemistry has about 600 undergraduate students, more than 500 graduate students and about 70 postdoctoral students. Since 2003, the College of Chemistry has won 1 national top science and technology award, 5 second prize of national natural science award, 1 second prize of national technological invention award and 1 second prize of national teaching achievement award.

The College of Chemistry has excellent teaching and research conditions. The basic experimental teaching center, which is composed of five basic courses laboratories, including inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry and chemical engineering, as well as comprehensive chemistry laboratories, has a total area of more than 4800 square meters. The whole college has all kinds of scientific instruments and teaching equipment with a total value of more than 400 million yuan, which provides a sufficient guarantee for the systematic experimental training and comprehensive quality training of students, as well as the teaching and scientific research work of teachers, students and staff.

Entrusted by the China Chemical Society and the Chemistry Education and Research Center of higher Education of the Ministry of Education, the College of Chemistry is responsible for editing and publishing the Journal of physical Chemistry and University Chemistry. Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, a new international academic publication jointly organized by the Royal Society and the Chinese Chemical Society, was officially published in 2014. More than 70 faculty members of the college have served in international academic organizations or as chief editors, deputy editors and editorial boards of domestic and foreign academic journals.

The College of Chemistry has always adhered to the fine academic tradition, sincere unity, down-to-earth, determined to reform, and strive to create a relaxed working environment and pleasant learning atmosphere for all teachers and students. For more than a hundred years, the School of Chemistry of Peking University has trained tens of thousands of chemistry professionals for the country. Since the beginning of the new century, the College of Chemistry has made rapid progress in teaching and scientific research. After more than 100 years of academic accumulation and unremitting efforts, the School of Chemistry of Peking University has become one of the top international chemistry education and research institutions.









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