





Brief introduction of Tongliao Education Bureau

There are 1184 schools of all levels and types (including ethnic schools) in Tongliao City, including 495 primary schools, 110junior high schools, 26 ordinary high schools, 26 secondary vocational schools, 8 adult technical secondary schools (teacher education schools).

There are 8 special education schools and 519 kindergartens. There are 42369 teachers and staff in primary and secondary schools in the city, including 33574 full-time teachers. There are 432046 students in the school.

There are 263 ethnic schools at all levels in the city, including 113 kindergartens, 111 primary schools, 26 junior middle schools, 9 senior high schools and 4 vocational high schools. There are 24860 teaching staff of ethnic minorities, of which Mongolian is taught.

There are 10907 full-time teachers and 256581 ethnic minority students, of whom 77619 are taught in Mongolian. Today, nine-year compulsory education is basically popularized in the city, realizing free compulsory education in urban and rural areas.

The quality of ethnic education is in the forefront of the region; ordinary senior high schools are developing in the direction of characteristics and diversification; the ability of vocational education to serve economic and social development has been enhanced; the “double-name” project of famous teachers and principals has been launched to promote education.

We will lead the training of qualified personnel and the building of a contingent of teachers, closely strengthen educational cooperation and exchanges with the three northeastern provinces and the Beijing-Tianjin region, and constantly deepen the opening of education.

Since 2011, the Tongliao Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government have implemented a three-year action plan for preschool education, including kindergarten construction as a livelihood project, with a planned investment of 640 million yuan to build 213 new kindergartens in the city’s rural and pastoral areas.

Every Sumu town and central Gacha village has the goal of a public garden. At present, 203 gardens have been opened. after all, the number of children will reach 80,000, and the gross enrollment rate in the three years before school has increased from 39.2% in 2010.

80%, and promote the employment of 6768 college students.

Starting from 2013, the Tongliao Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government have formulated preferential policies and will allocate nearly 100 million yuan a year to subsidize 2700 yuan per year for preschool children in newly built public kindergartens in rural and pastoral areas, exempting management fees and care.

Fees; for preschool children who have household registration in our city and teach in Mongolian at the location of Qixian County and in the city, a subsidy of 1000 yuan per year is given to each student. At present, Tongliao City has basically achieved the equalization of urban and rural preschool education resources, taking the lead in realizing 15-year free education in rural and pastoral areas.








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