





安徽省宿松中学创建于战火纷飞的1939年,1978年被定为县级重点中学,2001年被批准为市级示范高中,2009年被定为省级示范高中。学校现有教职工170人,其中特级教师3人,高级教师76人,全国模范教师和优秀教师3人,省级优秀教师、先进教育工作者、教坛新星4人,市、县级模范教师、优秀教师、教坛新星40多人,2013年在校学生3468人。 是宿松最好的高中之一,安庆市重点升学大户之一。






学校新校规划建设目标是:力求将新校区建设成为面向21世纪的高起点、高质量、高品位的国家级示范高中。由上海同济大学建筑设计院作整体规划设计。办学规模为65—70个教学班,可容纳4000—4500名学生就读,实现环境生态化、景观园林化、校园信息化。 60多年来,宿松中学为高等学校输送了数千名优秀学生,为祖国培养了无数的建设者。一大批优秀学生被录取到北大、清华、科大、复旦等全国名牌大学深造。著名校友:现任中央政治局委员,中央书记处书记,中央宣传部长,前四川省委书记刘奇葆。中科院院士,教育部长江特聘教授、清华大学教授、博士生导师李亚栋。 进入新世纪以来,由于学校在教育教学方面的突出成绩,在安庆市产生了巨大反响,也受到了全省教育界的关注,原安徽省委书记王太华、省长王金山、安庆市委书记韩先聪、市长朱读稳先后来校视察。学校正加快现代化建设步伐,不断提高办学水平,朝全省乃至全国一流示范高中努力。

Brief introduction of Susong Middle School in Anhui Province

Susong Middle School in Anhui Province was founded in 1939. It was designated as a county-level key high school in 1978, a municipal model high school in 2001, and a provincial model high school in 2009. The school has 170 teaching staff, including 3 special-level teachers, 76 senior teachers, 3 national model teachers and excellent teachers, 4 provincial excellent teachers, advanced educators and new stars in teaching circles. There are more than 40 model teachers, excellent teachers and new stars at the city and county level, and 3468 students are enrolled in 2013. It is one of the best high schools in Susong and one of the key students in Anqing.

General situation of the school

Founded in 1939 during the war, Susong Middle School in Anhui Province was designated as a key middle school at the county level in 1978, a municipal model high school in 2001 and a provincial model high school in 2009. The school now has 170 teaching staff, including 5 special teachers, 76 senior teachers, 3 national model teachers and excellent teachers, and 4 provincial excellent teachers, advanced educators and teaching stars. There are more than 40 model teachers, excellent teachers and new stars at the city and county level, and 3468 students at school.

Campus environment

In order to expand the scale, improve the grade and meet the needs of the new era, in 2002, the six leading groups of the county made a decision to move Susong Middle School to the new site. In 2004, the new school completed the first phase of the project, such as 12000 tons of teaching buildings, 9200 tons of science and technology buildings, 4800 tons of office buildings, 6200 tons of canteens, 20000 tons of student dormitories, and the construction of road pipe networks, water supply and drainage, strong and weak electricity and other supporting facilities. The school moved into the new campus on February 20, 2005 (the 12th day of the first month). So far, 60 million yuan has been invested. The second phase of the project mainly includes the library building 6400 “Sports and Arts Center 4800”, sports ground 2100 “, as well as leveling, greening, beautification and improvement of internal facilities, and so on, some of which are about to start. The new school covers an area of 224mu, with a total planned construction area of 63400 hectares and a total investment of 88 million yuan. the west side of the school is connected with National Highway 105 and the south is connected with Fukang Road. The traffic is very convenient. Mountain General to the north, Qianjiashan to the east, channels meandering in the south, beautiful scenery, pleasant scenery, elegant environment, simple school spirit, is a good place to study.

School-running goal

The goal of the planning and construction of the new school is to build the new campus into a national model high school with high starting point, high quality and high grade facing the 21st century. The overall planning and design is made by the Architectural Design Institute of Tongji University in Shanghai. The scale of running a school is 65 mi 70 classes, which can accommodate 4500 students, realizing ecological environment, landscape gardening and campus informationization. For more than 60 years, Susong Middle School has sent thousands of outstanding students to colleges and universities and trained countless builders for the motherland. A large number of outstanding students were admitted to Peking University, Tsinghua University, University of Science and Technology, Fudan and other famous universities across the country for further study. Famous alumnus: Liu Qibao, current member of the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, member of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee, minister of propaganda of the CPC Central Committee, and former secretary of the Sichuan Provincial CPC Committee. Li Yadong, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, special professor of the Yangtze River of the Ministry of Education, professor and doctoral supervisor of Tsinghua University. Since the beginning of the new century, due to the school’s outstanding achievements in education and teaching, it has produced great repercussions in Anqing City, and has also attracted the attention of the educational circles of the whole province. Wang Taihua, former secretary of the Anhui Provincial CPC Committee, Wang Jinshan, governor of Anhui Province, Han Xiancong, secretary of the Anqing Municipal CPC Committee, and Zhu Zhiman, mayor of Anqing City, successively visited the school. The school is speeding up the pace of modernization, constantly improving the level of running a school, and making efforts towards the first-class model high schools in the whole province and even the whole country.

安徽省宿松中学创建于战火纷飞的1939年,1978年被定为县级重点中学,2001年被批准为市级示范高中,2009年被定为省级示范高中。建校以来不断获得社会各界的好评! 是宿松最好的高中之一,安庆市重点升学大户之一。







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