浙江 杭州
















Deqing County Senior Middle School

It has been 20 years since Deqing County Senior Middle School was founded in 1994. It is located in Wukang Town, Deqing County seat, is a provincial economic development zone, Mogan Mountain national scenic area, only 40 kilometers away from Hangzhou, convenient transportation. It is one of the first batch of provincial characteristic demonstration high schools in Zhejiang Province.

Teachers’ strength

The school now has 44 classes and 2239 students. Through ten years of selective recruitment inside and outside the county, a team of teachers with high academic qualifications, many famous teachers, learning expertise and teaching characteristics has been set up. Among the 152 full-time teachers, 41 are senior teachers in middle schools and 37 are first-class teachers. Teachers with middle and senior professional titles account for 51.3% of full-time teachers. The existing national outstanding teachers, provincial meritorious teachers, provincial special-level teachers, provincial excellent teachers, provincial teaching rookie 8. City teaching experts, city teaching rookies, city excellent teachers and other 15 people. County teaching rookie, county excellent teachers, county excellent head teacher, county teaching backbone and so on more than 30 people.

School-running characteristics

With the motto of “preciseness, diligence, realism and innovation”, the school advocates the teaching style of “learn from each other and teach others tirelessly” and the study style of “erudite and diligent”. The undergraduate admission rate ranks first in the county, and it has won most of the liberal arts and science college entrance examination in Deqing County, and the quality of education ranks among the best in Huzhou.

School-running achievements

The first and second key points passed the acceptance inspection. Conscientiously do a good job in the provincial second-level key middle school acceptance preparations, the evaluation report and materials have been well received by the evaluation team. In April, the school successfully passed the recognition evaluation of the provincial secondary key middle school, and in July, the provincial education department approved the school as the provincial secondary key middle school (only 5 in the province).

Second, the construction project was completed on schedule. The school raised 4.26 million yuan by itself, and the school art museum with a construction area of 4633 square meters is nearing completion. In addition, this year, 600000 yuan has been invested in the construction of grandstands in the stadium, 320000 yuan has been invested in five new basketball courts, 120000 yuan has been invested in reconstruction, new walls, street lamps, publicity windows and other facilities, new green area 950m2 has been added, and nearly 100000 yuan has been invested in putting tiles around each classroom. The implementation of the above projects has further enhanced the comprehensive strength of the school and beautified the campus environment.

Third, the quality of education should be harvested in an all-round way. This year, 393 people took part in the college entrance examination and 388 went online, with a total admission rate of 98.7% and an undergraduate admission rate of 67.4%, all ranking first in the county. Wang Jie and Zhou Lili, two students from the school, won the top prize in arts and science in the county college entrance examination. The school is the only school in the county that has completed the goal of the college entrance examination set by the County Bureau of Education. The result of discipline competition is more gratifying, and the number of winners of each subject competition is far ahead in the county. There are 16 winners in the city “cube cup” mathematics competition in the whole county, 15 in the school, 7 in the city’s Feiying Award physics competition, 3 in the school, 48 in the national English proficiency competition for middle school students, 26 in the school, 20 in the sixth provincial and municipal biological competition, and 18 in the school. 28 people won prizes at or above the county level in the 19th National Physics Competition, and 18 people won prizes in this school. In 2002, 28 people won prizes in the whole county, province, city and county in the national chemistry competition, 15 people in the school, and 6 students in the whole county who won the provincial prize in the national high school mathematics league. City “Feiying Award” mathematics competition 28 people in the county, the school won 17 people, the city high school math competition city, county 44 people won the whole county, the school won 27 people.

Fourth, the famous teacher’s project is happy to bear fruit. As the school pays close attention to the training of young teachers and the project of famous teachers, the construction of the contingent of teachers has achieved gratifying results. in this year, Wang Yanguang, a teacher of the school, was rated as a provincial special-level teacher, and Shi Jianru, a teacher, as an excellent teacher of the province. Qiu Linfu was elected as a deputy to the provincial people’s Congress, and Tian Caigao was selected as a deputy to the county people’s Congress. Eight teachers, including Zhu Xiaohua, Jiang Ruizhi, Xie Weiyong, Yao Hongying, Lu Guomin, Luo Xiaqin, Yu Jianping and Ye Weiqing, were named as “teaching experts” in the second city (11 in the senior high school of the county). Eight teachers, including Jiang Wei, Luo Xiaqin, Shi Guofang, Chen Xiaoqin, Zhang Geng, Yao Fang, Zhu Liping and she Lin, were named as the eighth rookie of the county (17 in the county’s high school). Five people, including Lu Guomin, Ji Zhenyong, Chen Guoliang, Zhang Jianxin and Hu Yuejin, were named as the fourth “teaching backbone” of the county (12 in the county’s high school).

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