

安徽邮电职业技术学院是 2004 年经安徽省人民政府批准教育部备案的一所专科层次的公办全日制高等职业学院为目前安徽省内惟一的通信类高等院校



安徽邮电职业技术学院是 2004 年经安徽省人民政府批准、教育部备案的一所专科层次的公办全日制高等职业学院,为目前安徽省内惟一的通信类高等院校,也是华东地区首家独立设置的高等通信职业学院。

学院前身是有着 60 多年历史、被誉为“安徽邮电黄埔军校”的安徽省邮电学校,坐落在安徽省省会合肥市文教单位聚集的蜀山区潜山路 382 号,校园环境优美,建筑典雅,花木繁茂。周边交通便捷,有3、8、22、快速公交4、48、124等多条公交线路直达,长江路高架和未来轨道交通途经此地。

学院现有教职员工 300 余名,专职教师 120 余人,其中 30 余人具有高级职称,从通信运营企业和重点院校聘请 100 多名高级管理人员、专家、学者、专业技术人员和能工巧匠作为学院的兼职教师。学院以为通信运营商及其上下游企业培养专业的应用型高技能人才为目标,开设有通信技术、移动通信技术、光纤通信、移动互联网应用技术、通信工程设计与管理、通信线路、无线网络优化、计算机通信技术、物联网应用技术、市场营销、呼叫中心服务与管理等14个专业,在校生规模近3000人。学院设有通信行业特有工种职业技能鉴定站、邮政快递员鉴定中心、中兴学院 NC 教育中心、Cisco及H3C 授权培训中心、美国普尔文及VOE授权考试中心、安徽省语委普通话测试站、安徽省安全生产监督管理局安全生产教育培训基地。同时,学院还设有安徽邮电职业技术学院继续教育学院、南京邮电大学安徽函授总站和研究生培养基地、北京邮电大学现代远程教育校外学习中心、华东政法大学安徽教学点等机构。中国科学技术大学与中国通信服务共建的国家级工程实践中心再教育中心设立在学院。


在六十余年办学历程中,学院恪守办人民满意教育的要求,紧密跟踪通信行业发展最新动态,以面向通信行业培养生产、建设、服务和管理一线需要的高素质技能型人才为目标,同时开展高等函授学历教育、企业员工在职培训、通信行业技能鉴定及资格认证等其他形式的教育工作,进一步完善连体立交的教育结构体系,为通信企业和信息行业提供智力支撑和人力保障,为通信企业培养输送了各类层次的学员和毕业生 50000多名,他们遍及通信系统、江淮大地,活跃在全国各地电信、移动、联通、邮政和信息行业,并成为各行业管理精英和技术骨干。


Anhui Vocational and Technical College of posts and Telecommunications is a full-time public vocational college approved by the people’s Government of Anhui Province and filed by the Ministry of Education in 2004. it is the only communications college in Anhui Province. it is also the first independent higher vocational college in East China.

The predecessor of the college is Anhui Post and Telecommunications School, which has a history of more than 60 years and is known as “Anhui Post and Telecommunications Huangpu military Academy”. It is located at No. 382 Qianshan Road, Shushan District, which is gathered by cultural and educational units in Hefei, the capital of Anhui Province. The campus environment is beautiful, the building is elegant, flowers and trees are luxuriant. The surrounding traffic is convenient, there are 3, 8, 22, bus rapid transit 4, 48, 124 and other bus lines directly, Changjiang Road viaduct and future rail transit pass through here.

The college has more than 300 teaching staff and more than 120 full-time teachers, of whom more than 30 have senior titles. More than 100 senior managers, experts, scholars, professional and technical personnel and skilled craftsmen are employed as part-time teachers from communication operation enterprises and key colleges and universities. The college aims to train professional applied and high-skilled talents for communication operators and their upstream and downstream enterprises. there are 14 majors, such as communication technology, mobile communication technology, optical fiber communication, mobile Internet application technology, communication engineering design and management, communication lines, wireless network optimization, computer communication technology, Internet of things application technology, marketing, call center service and management, etc., with nearly 3000 students. The college has professional skills appraisal stations for specific jobs in the communications industry, postal couriers appraisal center, NC education center of ZTE College, Cisco and H3C authorized training centers, authorized examination centers of Pulvin and VOE in the United States, Putonghua testing station of Anhui language Commission, and production safety education and training base of Anhui Provincial Administration of production Safety. At the same time, the college also has the School of continuing Education of Anhui Vocational and Technical College of posts and Telecommunications, Anhui correspondence Station and Postgraduate training Base of Nanjing University of posts and Telecommunications, off-campus Learning Center of Modern distance Education of Beijing University of posts and Telecommunications, Anhui Teaching Center of East China University of political Science and Law, and other institutions. The re-education center of the national engineering practice center jointly built by the University of Science and Technology of China and the China Communication Service is set up in the college.

In recent years, the employment situation of graduates is booming, the employment rate of graduates is more than 98.5%, some majors are in short supply, the employment quality of students is high, and their career development is smooth. The college has been praised by the Department of Education as a typical example of “positive response and special measures of colleges and universities to pay close attention to employment”. Since 2009, it has been awarded the title of “Advanced Collective in Employment work of ordinary College graduates in Anhui Province” for three consecutive years, and in 2012 it has been awarded the title of “pacesetter Unit for Employment work of ordinary College graduates in Anhui Province”.

In the course of running a school for more than 60 years, the college abides by the requirements of people’s satisfaction education, closely follows the latest developments in the communication industry, and aims to train high-quality skilled talents for the production, construction, service and management needs of the communication industry. at the same time, it carries out other forms of education, such as higher correspondence education, on-the-job training of enterprise staff, skills appraisal and qualification certification in the communication industry. Further improve the educational structure system of the interchange, provide intellectual support and manpower guarantee for communication enterprises and the information industry, and train and deliver more than 50000 students and graduates of various levels for communication enterprises, who spread throughout the communication system and Jianghuai land. active in telecommunications, mobile, Unicom, postal and information industries throughout the country, and become the management elite and technical backbone of various industries.

During the 12th five-year Plan period, under the guidance of the scientific concept of development, the college implemented the outline of the National medium-and long-term Education Reform and Development Plan (2010-2020), the decision of the State Council on speeding up the Development of Modern Vocational Education, and adhered to the idea of “based on the communications industry, serving the local economy, employment-oriented, innovative development with characteristics”. With the goal of “training high-quality skilled talents with good work, retention and stamina for the front line of production, construction, management and service for the post and telecommunications industry”, the goal is to “improve academic education and strengthen training business.” two-wheel drive and coordinated development to create a brand of post and telecommunications higher vocational education with distinctive features, reliable quality, enterprise needs and excellent reputation To become a high-level vocational college with communication skills based on industry, serving society, moderate scale, beautiful environment and first-class communication skills in the province “as the development goal, facing posts and telecommunications and serving the society. Based on Anhui, radiation around. Serve the post and telecommunications industry, serve the local economic construction and social development, and become the cradle of personnel training and staff training base for the communications industry.

安徽邮电职业技术学院是 2004 年经安徽省人民政府批准、教育部备案的一所专科层次的公办全日制高等职业学院,为目前安徽省内惟一的通信类高等院校,也是华东地区首家**设置的高等通信职业学院。








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