


同步课堂 同步提供教材分析、教案、习题等,为广大师生提供全方位的课前参考和课后检测。

理论研究 融汇教与学中的点滴,汇聚和扩散,把实践经验归纳为理论,用理论指导实验,让每一个经验闪光。

课件、试题下载 他山之石,可以攻玉。师生们可以在这里找到你所需的各种试题、课件等资料,省去许多不必要的重复劳动。

学生乐园 力求以浅显易懂并富有趣味性的内容,活泼多样的形式,渗透数学的基本思想和原理。在乐中学,在学中乐。

数学论坛 在论坛中你可以对看到或遇到的教育问题进行评论和思考,在人气旺盛论坛与最有热情、最有思想、最了解中国基础教育教学现状的老师或学生进行交流。

Primary school mathematics network is a subject education website for the field of primary school mathematics education.

The website is based on serving the teachers and students of primary schools, aiming at the concept of openness, self-help and sharing, and tries to build a complete network platform for the release, exchange, classification and storage of primary school mathematical information and materials.

Our goal is to become an influential modern distance education center, online education resource center, education information center, education research center and learning exchange center in the field of mathematics basic education in primary schools in China.

Features of the website:

Synchronous classroom Simultaneously provide textbook analysis, teaching plans, exercises, etc., to provide teachers and students with a full range of pre-class reference and after-class testing.

Theoretical research Integrate the bits and pieces of teaching and learning, converge and spread, sum up the practical experience into a theory, use the theory to guide the experiment, let each experience shine.

Download courseware and examination questions The stones of other mountains can be used to attack jade. Teachers and students can find all kinds of examination questions, courseware and other materials you need here, saving a lot of unnecessary repetitive work.

Student paradise Strive to be easy to understand and interesting content, lively and diverse forms, permeate the basic ideas and principles of mathematics. In Le Middle School, having fun in learning.

Mathematics forum In the forum, you can comment and think about the educational problems you see or encounter, and communicate with the most enthusiastic, thoughtful and knowledgeable teachers or students in the popular forum.








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