



徐州市第三中学是中国矿业大学等教育部直属全国重点大学的“优质生源基地”,学校先后被授予“全国体育运动红旗校”,“江苏省文明单位”、“江苏省模范学校”、“江苏省德育先进学校”、“江苏省先进基层党组织” 、“江苏省五四红旗团委”,学校被选定为“江苏省心理健康教育实验学校”、“江苏省中小学教师信息技术培训基地”、“中央教育科学研究所华教远程教育网示范学校 ” 、 “中国基础教育英语教学科研基地”,省内中学界唯一的“CUBA全国大学生篮球人才培训基地”等称号。

学校积极实施“名师工程”、“青蓝工程” 、“校本培训工程”、“升级发展工程”、“教师形象工程”、“人才引进工程”与“教师竞争淘汰制”,全方位打造出一支师德高尚、业务精良、知识结构、年龄结构合理的教师队伍。


学校现有专任教师180人,其中,教授级高级教师3人,特级教师5人、名特优教师27人;有39人分别取得了硕士学位和研究生课程班结业证书,另有30多人在读硕士研究生,人数占教师总数的四分之一以上;有46人分别获得省级以上和省、市级名师、学科带头人、教学能手称号;高级教师67人,中级教师60人,中、高级教师所占比例之高位居徐州市各中学前茅。有10位教师能够熟练运用外语开展双语教学。 校园布局合理,中间为教学区,南部为运动区,北部为生活区。经过校园改建,精心设计的学校大门气势恢宏、造型别致,教学办公综合楼与实验行政综合楼色彩明快、格调统一,图书电教楼、生活综合楼简约朴素、美观大方。校园内操场边矗立着刻有30名我校培养出来的国际级、国家级运动健将“英才榜”,教学楼东大厅的“名师荟萃”“英才辈出”宣传栏,表彰宣传学校名特优教师和考上清华、北大等名校的优秀毕业生,激励师生追求卓越。实验楼走廊悬挂着介绍科学家生平和科学知识的挂图,教室内板报集教育性与艺术性为一身,美术角更彰显出班级文化的魅力。校园里绿木满园,花草遍地,道路两侧苍松翠绿,景点错落分布,环境整洁,生机盎然,陶冶学生性情,润泽学生心灵。

Brief introduction of Xuzhou No. 3 Middle School

Xuzhou No. 3 Middle School is a four-star high school in Jiangsu Province, Jiangsu Province humanities characteristic curriculum base, digital learning pilot.

Honorary title

Xuzhou No. 3 Middle School is the “source base of high-quality students” of key universities directly under the Ministry of Education, such as China University of Mining and Technology. The school has been awarded “National Sports Red Flag School”, “Jiangsu civilized Unit”, “Jiangsu Model School”, “Jiangsu Advanced moral Education School”, “Jiangsu Advanced Grass-roots Party Organization”, “Jiangsu May 4th Red Flag Youth League Committee”. The school has been selected as “Jiangsu Mental Health Education Experimental School”, “Jiangsu Primary and Middle School teacher Information Technology training Base”, “Central Institute of Education and Science Research Institute Chinese distance Education Network demonstration School”, “Chinese basic Education English Teaching and Research Base”, and the only “CUBA National Basketball training Base for College students” in the province.

The school actively implements “famous teacher Project”, “Blue Project”, “School-based training Project”, “upgrading and Development Project”, “teacher Image Project”, “Talent introduction Project” and “teacher Competition knockout system”. To create a team of teachers with noble ethics, excellent business, knowledge structure and age structure in all aspects.

Teachers’ strength

The school now has 180 full-time teachers, including 3 senior teachers at the faculty level, 5 special teachers and 27 famous and excellent teachers; 39 have obtained master’s degrees and certificates of completion of postgraduate courses respectively, and more than 30 are studying for postgraduates, accounting for more than 1/4 of the total number of teachers; 46 have won the titles of provincial and provincial and municipal famous teachers, subject leaders and teaching experts. There are 67 senior teachers and 60 intermediate teachers. The high proportion of middle and senior teachers ranks at the top of all middle schools in Xuzhou. There are 10 teachers who are proficient in bilingual teaching in foreign languages. The layout of the campus is reasonable, with teaching area in the middle, sports area in the south and living area in the north. After the reconstruction of the campus, the well-designed school gate has magnificent momentum and unique shape, the comprehensive building of teaching and office and the comprehensive building of experimental administration are bright in color and unified in style, while the comprehensive buildings of books, audio-visual education and life are simple and beautiful. Beside the playground on the campus stands the “Talent list” of 30 international and national athletes trained by our school, and the billboard of “gathering of famous teachers” and “emergence of talents in large numbers” in the east hall of the teaching building, commending and publicizing the famous and excellent teachers of the school and the outstanding graduates who have been admitted to Tsinghua University, Peking University and other famous schools, so as to encourage teachers and students to pursue excellence. The corridor of the experimental building is hung with wallcharts introducing scientists’ lives and scientific knowledge. the board in the classroom combines education and artistry, and the art corner highlights the charm of class culture. The campus is full of green trees, flowers and plants, green pines on both sides of the road, scattered scenic spots, clean environment and vitality, edifying students’ temperament and moisturizing students’ hearts.

徐州市第三中学是中国矿业大学等教育部直属全国重点大学的“优质生源基地”,学校先后被授予“全国体育运动红旗校”,“江苏省文明单位”、“江苏省模范学校”、“江苏省德育先进学校”、“江苏省先进基层党组织” 。








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