福建 福州


【学校概况】 福建农业职业技术学院是福建省教育厅直属的全日制普通高等学校2016年被确认为“福建省示范性高等职业院校”。近年来学校充分发挥“历史文化悠久自然生态优越



  【学校概况】 福建农业职业技术学院是福建省教育厅直属的全日制普通高等学校,2016年被确认为“福建省示范性高等职业院校”。近年来,学校充分发挥“历史文化悠久、自然生态优越、地理位置独特、功能定位明确”四大优势,全力打造“相思岭大学生创业园”和“新型职业农民培育”两张名片,大力实施“教学改革、创新创业、技能竞赛、社会服务”四个同步发展战略,学校办学实力和核心竞争力不断增强。

  【百载春秋 薪火相传】 学校于2003年2月经福建省人民政府批准,由福州市农业学校和福建省农业学校合并设立;前身可追溯至创办于1902年的中国近代官办中等实业学堂——浙股粤股蚕务学堂、创办于1903年的私立培元师范学校、创办于1908年的福州农事试验场农业别科班。学校秉承百年优良办学传统,在“学以致用”的校训和“艰苦奋斗,自强不息,敬业奉献,和谐发展”的农院精神指引勉励下,现已发展成为以“农类”专业为优势和特色,财经、电子、建筑等专业协调发展的综合性高等职业院校。现有全日制在校生6200余人、成人教育学员近3000名。

  【美丽校园 厚积薄发】 学校地处海峡西岸经济区中心地带,坐落在海上丝绸之路门户、历史文化名城——福州,设有相思岭、首山两个校区, 校园占地面积1100余亩。主校区(相思岭校区)位于福州市南郊相思岭下,依山傍水、空气清新、风景优美、鸟语花香。依托优越的自然生态,学校持续推进“美丽校园”工程,校园净化、绿化、美化、亮化水平极大提升。在一代代“农院人”的不懈努力下,学校办学实力和社会知名度日渐提升。

  【多维发展 全面育人】 学校坚持“特色办学”定位,打造4个农类核心专业群和2个非农类专业群。依托校内各种现代化的实训基地,坚持“校企合作、产教融合、协同育人”的人才培养方式,深入推进“二元制、现代学徒制、创新创业教育、职业技能与职业素养”并重的培养模式,为社会输送了大量高素质技术技能型人才,受到了行业企业的广泛欢迎与好评。

  【双创教育 彰显特色】 学校相思岭大学生创业园位于相思岭校区,占地540亩。园区坚持“以农业创新创业为主题,涉农创业大学生为主体”的主题定位和“创业实训、科研科普、休闲观光”功能定位,不断优化“现代农业、闽台农业、休闲农业”特色与内涵,建成了“创业广场(东区)、创业农场(西区)、创业基地(南区)、创业空间(北区)”四大功能模块,年均接待社会各界人士超过10万人次。截至2017年底,创业园有创业项目20个,学生创业实体17个;近年来先后被确定为“全国休闲农业与乡村旅游示范点”“全国青少年农业科普示范基地”“福建省农业休闲示范点”,2017年3月获批“福建省大学生创新创业园”。

  【农民培育 助力乡村】 2013年4月起承担福建新型职业农民培训工作,先后开办畜牧兽医、茶叶、果树、蔬菜、食用菌5个实用技术专业,招收学员3219名。充分用好福建省“财政专款支持、政府组织生源、学员来自一线、大专学历教育”等政策优势,与中国农大合作建立“福建新型职业农民教育培训网”,培育了以南靖籍学员为主体的“漳农公社”和“漳农庄园”,打造了新型职业农民培育“福建模式”,受到了教育部、农业部、国家教育咨询委员会及社会各界的广泛肯定,2017年5月被农业部授予“全国新型职业农民培育示范基地”。

  【科学谋划,面向未来】 新时代,新征程。学校将以“办学规模化、教学特色化、管理规范化、校园美丽化、作风建设常态化”为抓手,以“教学优、技能强、创业活、管理精、治党严”为创新发展目标,以培养有“坚定理想信念、良好职业操守、强烈吃苦精神”的高素质技能型人才为主线,坚持立德树人、全面深化改革、全力培育特色,为建设福建省“现代农业人才培养中心”、“现代农业科技服务中心”、“现代农业休闲观光胜地”、“创新创业教育示范基地”、“新型职业农民培育基地”五位一体的“省内高水平、生态花园式、有特色有影响”的示范性现代高职院校而奋勇前进。

[school profile] Fujian Agricultural Vocational and Technical College, a full-time ordinary university directly under the Fujian Department of Education, was recognized as a “model higher vocational college in Fujian Province” in 2016. In recent years, the school has made full use of the four advantages of “long history and culture, superior natural ecology, unique geographical location and clear functional positioning” to create two business cards of “Xiangsiling University Entrepreneurship Park” and “cultivation of new professional farmers”. We will vigorously implement the four synchronous development strategies of “teaching reform, innovation and entrepreneurship, skills competition and social service”, and the school’s strength and core competitiveness have been continuously enhanced.

[a hundred years of Spring and Autumn fire is handed down] With the approval of the Fujian Provincial people’s Government in February 2003, the school was established by the merger of Fuzhou Agricultural School and Fujian Agricultural School; the predecessor can be traced back to the Zhejiang Guangdong share sericulture School, a government-run secondary industrial school in modern China, the Private Peiyuan normal School founded in 1903, and the agricultural specialty class of Fuzhou Agricultural proving ground founded in 1908. Adhering to the fine tradition of running a school for one hundred years, the school has developed into a comprehensive higher vocational college with the advantages and characteristics of “agriculture” specialty under the motto of “learning for application” and the guidance of the spirit of “hard struggle, continuous self-improvement, dedication and harmonious development”. Comprehensive higher vocational colleges with the coordinated development of finance and economics, electronics, architecture and other majors. At present, there are more than 6200 full-time students and nearly 3000 adult education students.

[beautiful campus rises abruptly based on its accumulated strength] The school is located in the center of the economic zone on the west coast of the Taiwan Strait. It is located in Fuzhou, a famous historical and cultural city at the gate of the Maritime Silk Road. It has two campuses, Xiangsi Ling and Shoushan, and the campus covers an area of more than 1100 mu. The main campus (Xiangsiling Campus) is located at the foot of Xiangsiling in the southern suburbs of Fuzhou, leaning on mountains and water, fresh air, beautiful scenery, birds singing and flowers fragrant. Relying on the superior natural ecology, the school continues to promote the “beautiful campus” project, and the level of campus purification, greening, beautification and brightening has been greatly improved. With the unremitting efforts of generations of “agricultural college people”, the strength of running a school and the popularity of the society are increasing day by day.

[multi-dimensional development and all-round education] the school adheres to the orientation of “running a school with characteristics” and creates four core agricultural professional groups and two non-agricultural professional groups. Relying on various modern training bases in the school, adhering to the talent training mode of “cooperation between schools and enterprises, integration of industry and education, and collaborative education”, we will further promote the training mode of “dual system, modern apprenticeship system, innovative entrepreneurship education, vocational skills and professional accomplishment”, which has provided a large number of high-quality technical and skilled talents for the society, which has been widely welcomed and praised by the industry and enterprises.

[mass entrepreneurship and innovation Education highlights its characteristics] Xiangsiling College students Entrepreneurship Park is located in Xiangsiling Campus, covering an area of 540 mu. The park adheres to the theme orientation of “taking agricultural innovation and entrepreneurship as the theme, agriculture-related entrepreneurial college students as the main body” and the functional orientation of “entrepreneurship training, scientific research popularization, leisure and tourism”, and constantly optimizes the characteristics and connotation of “modern agriculture, Fujian and Taiwan agriculture, leisure agriculture”. Four functional modules have been built, namely, Entrepreneurship Square (East), Entrepreneurship Farm (West), Entrepreneurship Base (South) and Entrepreneurship Space (North). It receives more than 100000 people from all walks of life every year. By the end of 2017, the Entrepreneurship Park had 20 entrepreneurial projects and 17 student entrepreneurial entities; in recent years, it has been identified as the “National Leisure Agriculture and Rural Tourism demonstration site”, “National Youth Agricultural Popularization demonstration Base” and “Fujian Agricultural Leisure demonstration site”. In March 2017, it was approved as “Fujian University students Innovation Entrepreneurship Park”.

[farmers cultivate and help villages] Since April 2013, he has undertaken the training of new professional farmers in Fujian, and has successively set up five practical technical specialties of animal husbandry and veterinary medicine, tea, fruit trees, vegetables and edible fungi, recruiting 3219 trainees. Making full use of the policy advantages of Fujian Province, such as “financial special funds support, government organization students, students from the front line, and college education”, we have cooperated with China Agricultural University to establish a “Fujian New Professional Peasant Education and training Network”. It has cultivated “Zhangnong Commune” and “Zhangnong Manor” with Nanjing students as the main body, and created a new “Fujian model” for professional farmers. It was widely affirmed by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Agriculture, the National Education Advisory Committee and all sectors of society, and was awarded the “National demonstration Base for the cultivation of New Professional Farmers” by the Ministry of Agriculture in May 2017.

[scientific planning, facing the future] A new era, a new journey. The school will start with “the scale of running a school, the characteristics of teaching, the standardization of management, the beauty of the campus and the normalization of work style construction”, and take “excellent teaching, strong skills, entrepreneurial activities, good management and strict administration of the party” as the goal of innovation and development. with the cultivation of high-quality skilled talents with “firm ideals and beliefs, good professional ethics and strong spirit of enduring hardships” as the main line, we will persist in establishing morality and cultivating talents, comprehensively deepen reform and make every effort to cultivate characteristics. In order to build Fujian Province’s “Modern Agricultural Talent training Center”, “Modern Agricultural Science and Technology Service Center”, “Modern Agricultural Leisure and Tourism Resort”, “innovative Entrepreneurship Education demonstration Base” and “New Professional Farmer training Base”, the demonstration modern higher vocational colleges of “high level in the province, ecological garden style, characteristic and influence” will forge ahead bravely.









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