





学院以“办人民满意的职业教育”为宗旨,坚持“以生为本,育人为先,质量第一,从严治校”的办学理念,弘扬“团结包容,自强不息,求实创新,勇争一流”的学院精神,秉承“厚德强能,奋发有为”的校训,在强力推进学院内涵建设攻坚工程基础上,改革创新,整合优质教学资源,办学实力进入全区先进行列,学院的影响力和吸引力大幅提升,被评为广西教学质量优秀院校。招生人数连年实现大突破,就业形势喜人,被评为全区招生工作先进单位、全区先进就业单位。近年来,还先后荣获 “广西十大劳务品牌培训基地”、“广西高校安全文明校园”、“广西文明卫生学校”、“广西森林校园”、“广西绿色工程建设先进单位”等荣誉称号。

Guangxi Modern Vocational and Technical College was founded in 1978 with strong school-running strength. it is a full-time comprehensive national public ordinary university with the integration of work, science, economics, management and literature. The college covers an area of 520mu and has 5200 students. There are 6 departments and 42 majors, seven first-class training bases in the region, such as preschool education, metallurgical technology, architectural decoration, machinery manufacturing and automation, and more than 50 basic laboratories and off-campus training bases. the total value of experimental training equipment is more than 200 million yuan. At present, there are 356 faculty members, including 152 doctoral and master’s degree teachers, 8 professors, 48 associate professors and 183 “double-qualified” teachers.

With the tenet of “vocational education to the satisfaction of the people”, the college adheres to the school-running concept of “student-oriented, education first, quality first, strict management of the school”, and carries forward the college spirit of “unity and tolerance, continuous self-improvement, seeking truth and innovation, and striving for first-class”. Adhering to the school motto of “strong morality and strong ability, striving for success”, on the basis of vigorously promoting the construction of the connotation of the college, reform and innovation, and the integration of high-quality teaching resources. The strength of running a school has entered the advanced ranks of the whole region, and the influence and attractiveness of the college have been greatly improved, and it has been rated as an excellent institution of teaching quality in Guangxi. The number of enrollment has achieved great breakthroughs year after year, and the employment situation is gratifying. It has been rated as the advanced unit of enrollment work and the advanced employment unit of the whole region. In recent years, it has also won the honorary titles of “Top Ten Labor Brand training bases in Guangxi”, “safe and civilized Campus of Guangxi Universities”, “Guangxi civilized Health School”, “Guangxi Forest Campus”, “Advanced Unit of Green Engineering Construction in Guangxi” and so on.








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