

  北京东大正保科技有限公司成立于2000年,是一家具备网络教育资质、经教育部批准开展远程教育的专业公司,为北京市高新技术企业、中国十大教育集团、联合国教科文组织技术与职业教育培训在中国的唯一试点项目。公司下属13家行业远程教育网站,业务涵盖了会计、法律、医学、建设、自考、成考、考研、中小学、外语、信息技术、汉语言教学等诸多领域,拥有办公面积8000多平米,员工近千人,公司年招生规模达270万人。由于正保远程教育(China Distance Education Holdings Ltd., CDEL)在中国互联网远程教育行业内的绝对领先优势和强大影响力,正保教育模式一直被广大投资人所追捧。2008年7月30日,公司在美国纽约证券交易所正式挂牌上市(股票交易代码:DL),是2008年唯一一家在美国纽交所上市的专业从事互联网远程教育的中国企业。

Foreign language Education Network is a large foreign language distance education website under Beijing Dongda Zhengbao Technology Co., Ltd. (CDEL). Zhengbao Technology was founded in July 2005. it is a super-large foreign language distance education base in China, and it is on the 2010 “Beijing quality Education Resources list”-“online education institutions respected by millions of readers”. With strong teachers, leading network video multimedia courseware technology, rigorous and meticulous teaching style and flexible and diverse teaching methods, the company provides students with complete and optimized foreign language courses, which breaks many restrictions of traditional face-to-face teaching. it not only gives full play to the advantages of network education, but also takes into account the characteristics of question answering and interaction, and has trained a large number of excellent foreign language talents for our country. In order to meet the learning needs of students in different languages and stages, the website offers more than 100 language learning courses, including examination English, industrial English, practical spoken English and small languages. it covers English, Japanese, Korean, Russian, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Arabic and other major languages for students to choose from. In addition, the website also has more than 200,000 pieces of foreign language professional information and examination information, which is the first choice for students to understand the latest policies and trends of foreign language examinations and to participate in various language training.

Beijing Dongda Zhengbao Technology Co., Ltd., founded in 2000, is a professional company with network education qualification and approved by the Ministry of Education to carry out distance education. It is the only pilot project for Beijing high-tech enterprises, China’s top ten education groups and UNESCO technical and vocational education and training in China. The company has 13 industry distance education websites, covering accounting, law, medicine, construction, self-examination, entrance examination, postgraduate entrance examination, primary and secondary schools, foreign languages, information technology, Chinese language teaching and many other fields, with an office area of more than 8000 square meters. there are nearly 1000 employees, and the annual enrollment scale of the company has reached 2.7 million. Due to the absolute leading position and strong influence of Zhengbao distance Education (China Distance Education Holdings Ltd., CDEL) in China’s Internet distance education industry, Zhengbao education model has been pursued by the majority of investors. The company was officially listed on the New York Stock Exchange (Stock Exchange Code: DL) on July 30, 2008. it is the only Chinese company specializing in Internet distance education listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 2008.









本站网站百科提供的外语教育网都来源于网络,不保证外部链接的准确性和完整性,同时,对于该外部链接的指向,不由网站百科实际控制,在2022 年 9 月 1 日 13:33收录时,该网页上的内容,都属于合规合法,后期网页的内容如出现违规,可以直接联系网站管理员进行删除,网站百科不承担任何责任。

