
  彬彬国际教育咨询(北京)有限公司(简称彬彬教育),于2006年在芝加哥成立,中国总部位于北京。是一家专注于美英日高端名校的导师陪伴式留学服务平台,具有雄厚的国际教育资源优势。服务范围涵盖广泛,包括出国留学申请(含留学签证)、 出国考试培训、学术竞争力提升、 海外全程保障(含海外监管,学业保障,就业指导,职业规划)等国际教育全产业链服务,让学生和家长轻松享受“陪伴式”留学服务。


Binbin International Education Consulting (Beijing) Co., Ltd. (Binbin Education), founded in Chicago in 2006, China is headquartered in Beijing. It is a tutor accompanying study abroad service platform focusing on high-end famous universities in the United States, Britain and Japan, with strong advantages in international educational resources. The scope of services covers a wide range of services, including application for study abroad (including study visa), overseas examination and training, promotion of academic competitiveness, guarantee of the whole process of international education (including overseas supervision, academic security, employment guidance, career planning) and other international education industry chain services, so that students and parents can easily enjoy & ldquo; companion & rdquo; study abroad service.

Binbin Education has been deeply engaged in the overseas study industry for many years, bringing together the resources of more than 5000 tutors from overseas famous universities to provide one-on-one tutoring. All the tutors of famous overseas schools are matched with application mentors with overseas study experience or the same major. It is composed of professors, former admissions officers, super seniors of prestigious schools, foreign clerical tutors and personnel of top foreign companies. The tutor major covers 100% of the students’ major, and each tutor of a famous overseas school has gone through 12 rounds of screening and examination, ensuring the high standard of the tutor of the overseas famous school and ensuring that all aspects of the application service for studying abroad are unassailable. Members of the Binbin education team always insist that ldquo; is customer-centered, and the customer’s reputation is our self-esteem & rdquo; ‘s service concept, sincerely serving every student who enters Binbin education. Creatively put forward & ldquo; overseas famous school mentors + whole-process guarantee = admission to famous universities + achievements & rdquo; ‘s talent formula, dedicated to helping every student who dreams of going abroad to enter the halls of internationally renowned colleges and universities. At the same time, Binbin Education has a 24-hour emergency service team, which can solve students’ practical problems overseas for the first time. More students who want to go abroad for further study will realize their dreams with the help of Binbin education. Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Oxford University, Cambridge University, Stanford University, Yale University, Tokyo University, Kyoto University and other world-famous universities.








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