
广东省技师学院、广东省高级技工学校是广东省人力资源和社会保障厅的直属单位,是国家级重点技工院校,是广东省职业教育中发展最快、规模最大、实力最雄厚的大型综合性职业教育培训基地。自2006年以来,年年被广东省社会科学院竞争力研究中心、广东省省情调查研究中心评估为“广东技工教育竞争力”第一名;2007年获中华职业教育社会首届“黄炎培优秀学校奖”。2012年我校成功申报“国家中等职业教育改革发展示范校建设”国家立项项目,将投入2000余万元建成数控机床装配与维修、汽车维 修、机电一体化、计算机网络应用4个国家级品牌示范专业;2013年成为广东省创建全国一流技师学院之一,将投入1亿多元,打造南方高技能人才硅谷和技工教育的“清华”、“北大”。




广东省政府原副省长谢强华先后六次视察学校,提出了 “抓基地、打基础、树形象、有特色、高效益、创办万人学校”的办学要求,充分肯定了学校的办学成绩:率先走在全省教研的前列;培养了一流的技能人才;率先创建了一流的学校;率先建成了高技能培训和教师培养基地;率先把技工教育做强做大,形成自己的特色。

Guangdong technician College and Guangdong Advanced Technical School are directly under the Department of Human Resources and Social Security of Guangdong Province, and they are national key technical colleges and universities. it is a large-scale comprehensive vocational education and training base with the fastest development, the largest scale and the strongest strength in Guangdong vocational education. Since 2006, it has been evaluated as the first place of “Guangdong Technical Education Competitiveness” by the Competitiveness Research Center of Guangdong Academy of Social Sciences and Guangdong Provincial investigation and Research Center every year, and won the first Huang Yanpei Outstanding School Award in Chinese vocational education society in 2007. In 2012, our school successfully declared the national project of “National Secondary Vocational Education Reform and Development demonstration School Construction”. More than 2000 yuan will be invested to build four national brand demonstration specialties, namely, assembly and maintenance of CNC machine tools, automobile maintenance, mechatronics and computer network application. In 2013, it became one of the first-class technician colleges in Guangdong Province, and will invest more than 100 million yuan to build “Tsinghua” and “Peking University” of Silicon Valley for high-skilled talents and technical education in the south.

The school covers an area of 780mu and has more than 600staff. The number of students in one school and two districts (school headquarters and Guangzhou campus) reaches 14000. The school adheres to the quality policy of “ensuring quality, enhancing connotation, highlighting features, and serving employment”, and solemnly promises the society: “We provide knowledge and skills to cope with a changing world.”

On September 16, 2011, Huang Huahua, then governor of Guangdong Province, spoke highly of it in a congratulatory letter to our school’s 20th anniversary celebration: “Guangdong technician College is the national key technical school with the longest history, the largest scale and the strongest comprehensive strength in our province.”

When Xiao Zhiheng, former executive vice governor of the Guangdong provincial government, inspected the school, he spoke highly of the school’s achievements: “first-class equipment, first-class quality, first-class environment.”

Xie Qianghua, former vice governor of Guangdong provincial government, visited the school six times and put forward the requirements of “grasping the base, laying the foundation, building an image, having characteristics, high efficiency, and establishing a school with ten thousand students”. Fully affirmed the school’s achievements: take the lead in the forefront of teaching and research in the province; train first-class skilled personnel; take the lead in building a first-class school; take the lead in building a high-skill training and teacher training base. Take the lead in strengthening and expanding the technical education to form its own characteristics.









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