

  学校总教学面积超过三千平米,拥有300平米的大型舞蹈教室,环境优美,师资力量雄厚,各种教学配套设备设施齐全,开设有钢琴、数码钢琴、电子琴、手风琴、声乐、舞蹈和音乐理论多个专业课程,教学成绩突出,多次受到市教育、文化、广播电视局等相关部门的嘉奖与好评。学校现有教职员工100余名, 其中专业教师90名,现在校学生超过一千名。




The official website of Wang Yan Piano Art training School in Furong District, Changsha, is directly managed by the school’s Ministry of Network Affairs. In addition to providing brand promotion for the school, our forum also has experienced piano purchasing consultants and piano teachers to provide free technical support and advice for piano buyers and piano teachers. Welcome to make wide use of it.

The school has a total teaching area of more than 3,000 square meters, a large dance classroom of 300 square meters, a beautiful environment, strong teachers, and complete teaching facilities. There are piano, digital piano, electronic organ, accordion, vocal music, dance and music theory professional courses, outstanding teaching achievements, many times by the municipal education, culture, radio and television bureau and other relevant departments of praise and praise. The school now has more than 100 teaching staff, including 90 professional teachers, and now has more than 1000 students.

In order to expand the influence of running a school, improve its popularity, and provide an open and diversified art paradise for students’ growth, our school has hosted or co-sponsored a series of events and art activities.

Every year, our school organizes students to participate in the social level art examination sponsored by the Central Conservatory of Music, the Shanghai Conservatory of Music and the Chinese musicians Association. Over the years, the average pass rate of the referenced students is more than 98%.

The school is interspersed with “weekend art practice activities” and “voluntary tutoring activities” every Friday. Voluntary tutoring activities provide individual tutoring to students with big problems and many doubts, and become an effective supplement and continuation of classroom teaching. Weekend art practice activities are organized by professional teachers to report and perform in different specialties. It not only digests and consolidates the knowledge and skills students have learned in class, but also provides a broad world for students to show their talents and accumulate stage experience, which is deeply loved by parents and students. The school also adheres to the home-school liaison system every month, holds regular parent-to-parent meetings, listens to students and parents’ responses to teaching, and improves and optimizes the teaching service system.









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