







Beijing No. 35 Middle School was founded in 1923, formerly known as Zhicheng Middle School. Li Dazhao, Deng Suiying and other school directors put forward the purpose of running a school: “change the backwardness of the nation, develop education, cultivate talents with pillars, and where there is a will, there is a way.” this feeling of “teaching for the rise of China” has become the cultural vein of the 35th Middle School.

In years of inheritance and innovation, the school has accumulated the spirit of “hard work, continuous self-improvement, hard struggle, and where there is a will, there is a way”. It has trained outstanding talents such as Song Ping, Wang Guangying, Li Ximing, Wang Guangmei, Deng Jiaxian, Wang Qishan and Tao Xiping, and become an exemplary school with all-round education and distinctive characteristics.

In September 2009, when Premier Wen Jiabao went to the 35th Middle School, he put forward two deep-seated problems facing China’s educational development– the cultivation of outstanding talents and the effectiveness of quality education, and pointed out that “our education does not meet the requirements of economic and social development.” it does not meet the requirements of the state for talent training.

Around the premier’s two questions, President Zhu Jianmin led the whole school staff to think: how can the school lay the foundation for the comprehensive and personalized development of students, meet the needs of future social development and national construction, and give consideration to the humanism and sociality of education? The school clearly points out that secondary education should not only focus on students for three or six years, but should train them to possess the qualities and abilities that society needs in the next 20 or 30 years.

As a result, 35 Middle School established five major school-running ideas-the teaching view that “learning is more important than learning, and learning to think is more important than learning knowledge”; the teacher view of “teachers first”; the education view that “growth is more important than success and adults are more important than achievement”; the student view of “laying the foundation for students’ all-round and individual development”; and the curriculum view of “students are the main body of education and teaching, and also a kind of fresh curriculum resources”.

In response to the demand for talents in the future society and follow the law of talent growth and development, the Thirty Middle School should cultivate “Wuyou” talents with Chinese cultural heritage and Chinese feelings, international vision, sense of justice and responsibility, ability to adapt to society, scientific spirit and inquiry consciousness. Adhering to the great educational view of “jumping out of education and looking at education, jumping out of educational development education”, we take the initiative to integrate resources from all walks of life and tailor curriculum “packages” and training programs for students with different potentials: jointly organize training classes for scientific and technological innovation talents with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, explore the “six-year consistent system” and “two-four system” curriculum reform, and establish a Sino-American double diploma international high school curriculum class.

He was selected into the experimental school of independent course arrangement and Hong Kong Certificate of Education examination in 2012, and carried out the reform of “department system”, “class system”, “credit system”, “tutorial system” and “senior system” in 2013. 35th Middle School made great strides in the reform and innovation.








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