四川 眉山








学院现有在岗教职工330人,离退休职工109人。在岗教职工中,有专任教师201人;有教授(研究员)4人,副教授70人,讲师49人,博士2人,硕士42人,四川省劳动模范1名,四川省有突出贡献的优秀专家1名,四川省“师德标兵”1名,四川省先进教育工作者1名,四川省优秀教师1名,四川省 “优秀辅导员”1名,眉山市拔尖人才2名。另聘客座教授50人。






学院先后获得省级文明单位、省级卫生单位、省级先进基层党组织、省级大学思想政治教育先进集体、四川省科技创新学校、市级园林式单位等荣誉称号。学院科技支农小分队被中宣部、教育部等评为全国大中专学生志愿者暑期“三下乡”社会实践活动优秀团队。 [1] 我院拥有学前教育、酒店管理两个中央财政支持的重点专业建设项目,学前教育、畜牧兽医专业2个省级重点专业建设项目;初等教育、财务管理专业2个省级示范性高等职业院校省财政支持的重点专业建设项目;农业技术与管理、机电一体化专业2个非省财政支持的院级重点专业建设项目,初步形成了国家、省级、院级三级重点专业体系,专业的科学发展将为学院全面推进内涵式发展,争创省级示范性高职院校打下坚实的基础。

Introduction of Meishan Vocational and Technical College

Meishan Vocational and Technical College is located in Meishan City, the hometown of Dongpo and a thousand years of poetry. It is the only full-time public ordinary university in Meishan, which was established with the approval of the people’s Government of Sichuan Province and filed by the Ministry of Education in April 2002. The college was formerly known as Meishan normal School and Meishan Agricultural School. The original Meishan normal School was founded in the spring of 1927 and is an excellent normal school for standardization construction which has been accepted by the Ministry of Education. The former Meishan Agricultural School, founded in 1958, is a key technical secondary school at the provincial and ministerial level.

Teachers’ strength

The college has 330 on-duty teaching staff and 109 retired staff. Among the teaching staff, there are 201 full-time teachers, 4 professors (researchers), 70 associate professors, 49 lecturers, 2 doctors, 42 masters, 1 model worker in Sichuan Province, 1 outstanding expert with outstanding contributions in Sichuan Province, 1 pacesetter in Sichuan Province, 1 advanced educator in Sichuan Province, 1 excellent teacher in Sichuan Province, 1 excellent counselor in Sichuan Province and 2 top talents in Meishan City. Another 50 visiting professors will be hired.

Mechanism setup

The current secretary of the party committee of the college is Wang Yuanlong and the dean is Hu Liang. The college implements the dean responsibility system under the leadership of the party committee. there are 10 middle-level offices, such as the Party and Government Office, the organizational personnel Department, the propaganda and United Front work Department (Trade Union Office), the Student work Department, the discipline Inspection and Supervision and Audit Office (discipline Inspection Commission Office), the academic Affairs Office, the Planning and Financial Logistics Office, the continuing Education Department, the Security Office, and the Youth League Commission. There are 7 teaching and research units, such as normal education department, agricultural technology department, trade and tourism department, mechanical and electrical engineering department, basic department (secondary school, ideological and political teaching department), technical school, production and research center, etc.

Employment situation

The college has established nearly 70 stable internship and employment bases with more than 100 enterprises and education groups in more than 10 cities, including Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Beijing, Xi’an, Chongqing and Chengdu. It provides a strong guarantee for the internship and employment of graduates. Graduates are widely welcomed by the society and employers, and the employment rate of graduates has remained above 95% in the past three years.

School-running achievement

The college has successively won the honorary titles of provincial civilized unit, provincial health unit, provincial advanced grass-roots party organization, provincial university ideological and political education advanced collective, Sichuan science and technology innovation school, municipal garden unit and so on. By the propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Ministry of Education, the science and technology support unit of the college was rated as the excellent team of social practice activities of “three going to the countryside” by college and technical secondary school student volunteers in summer. [1] our college has two key specialty construction projects supported by central finance, preschool education and hotel management, and two provincial key specialty construction projects of preschool education and animal husbandry and veterinary specialty. there are two provincial key specialty construction projects supported by provincial finance in primary education and financial management. Agricultural technology and management and mechatronics major are two non-provincial finance-supported key specialty construction projects at the college level, which have initially formed a three-level key professional system at the national, provincial and college levels. the scientific development of the specialty will lay a solid foundation for the college to promote connotative development in an all-round way and strive to create provincial demonstration higher vocational colleges.









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