
33IQ 是国内最大智力训练网站,拥有全球最大中文智力题库,帮助不同年龄段的用户提升智力、扩展知识、优化学习,让你越玩越聪明!


2014-10-01 33IQ安卓版正式发布

2014-4-29 《成语233》安卓版正式发布

2013-10-01 每日谜题微信发布,微信搜索:meirimiti

2013-08-18 33IQ举办了首次线下活动

2013-04-30 33IQ再次改版,融入益智理念

2013-04-19 33IQ新版情境猜谜上线

2013-04-14 33IQ微信答题功能上线

2013-03-22 33IQ小组功能上线

2013-02-19 33IQ手机版上线 m.33iq.com

2013-01-16 33IQ答题模式上线

2013-01-22 33IQ4.0全新上线

2012-10-06 33IQ注册用户达到20万

2012-05-11 益趣课堂上线

2012-01-08 33IQ注册用户达到10万

2011-12-02 OTF Club成立,入会测试上线

2011-10-29 智商测试上线

2011-05-24 服务器搬迁回国内

2011-05-20 情境猜谜上线

2011-04-29 智力闯关上线

2011-03-03 新版33IQ上线,一切从0开始

2010-02-11 33IQ举办10寒假特别赛

2009-12-23 33IQ启用全新顶级域名,服务器搬迁至国外

2008-11-12 33IQ举办08圣诞特别赛

2008-10-11 33IQ团队参加上海电台FM94.0《听说很好玩》的访谈节目

2008-08-01 33IQ举办第一届33IQ杯智力大赛

2008-05-01 33IQ进行公测活动,并设立智力游戏论坛

2008-04-01 33IQ进行内测活动

2008-02-29 33IQ成立

33IQ is the largest intelligence training website in China, with the largest Chinese intelligence question bank in the world, which helps users of different ages to improve their intelligence, expand their knowledge, optimize their learning, and make you smarter and smarter.

The course of development

2014-10-01 33IQ Android Edition officially released

2014-4-29 “idiom 233” Android version officially released

2013-10-01 Daily Puzzle posted on Wechat, Wechat search: meirimiti

2013-08-18 33IQ held its first offline event

2013-04-30 33IQ was revised again to incorporate the concept of puzzle.

2013-04-19 33IQ new version of situational puzzles online

2013-04-14 33IQ Wechat answer function launched

2013-03-22 33IQ team function launched

2013-02-19 33IQ mobile version launched m.33iq.com

2013-01-16 33IQ answer mode is online

2013-01-22 33IQ4.0 newly launched

2012-10-06 33IQ registered users reached 200000

2012-05-11 interest class launched

2012-01-08 33IQ registered users reached 100000

2011-12-02 OTF Club was established and the membership test was launched.

2011-10-29 IQ test launched

2011-05-24 servers moved back to China

2011-05-20 situational riddles online

2011-04-29 Intelligence broke through the barrier

2011-03-03 new version of 33IQ is launched, everything starts from 0

2010-02-11 33IQ holds 10 Winter Holiday Special Competition

2009-12-23 33IQ enables a new top-level domain name, and servers are relocated abroad

2008-11-12 33IQ holds 2008 Christmas Special Competition

2008-10-11 33IQ team participated in the interview program “I heard it was fun” by FM94.0 of Shanghai Radio.

2008-08-01 33IQ holds the first 33IQ Cup Intelligence Competition

2008-05-01 33IQ conducts public testing activities and sets up an intelligence game forum

2008-04-01 33IQ conducts internal testing activities

2008-02-29 33IQ was founded

33IQ在线思维训练平台,拥有海量中文智力题库,基于大数据智能算法为不同用户提供个性化思维训练,满足不同年龄段用户大脑开发需求。 33IQ让你越玩越聪明!







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