





建院以来,汇华学院认真贯彻教育部26号令,不断探索新的办学机制和办学模式,注重提高教学质量,精心培育人才,逐步形成了一套科学、高效、规范、具有我院特色的管理体系和运行机制。2010年我院被评为"全国先进独立学院"。2014年我院在武汉大学中国科学评价研究中心(RCCSE)和中国科教评价网(www.nseac.com)公布的2014 ~2015年度全国独立学院排行榜中列第9位。


汇华学院以建设国内一流独立学院为目标,坚持"以学生为本,以教学为中心,一切为了学生成才"的办学理念,遵循"改革兴校、质量立校、发展强校"的办学思想,坚持新的办学机制和办学模式,各项工作取得了长足进展。广大学生努力进取,学习成绩、综合能力普遍提高。多名学生在"外研社杯"全国英语演讲大赛、全国高校化学专业师范生教学素质大赛、全国大学生数学建模竞赛、中国舞蹈"荷花奖"校园舞蹈大赛、全国大学生广告艺术节等重要赛事上屡获殊荣,多次取得优异成绩。学院考研录取率始终保持着较高水平,连续6年考研录取率均在20%以上,在全国独立学院中处于领先地位。学院始终把毕业生就业工作列入重要工作日程,发挥"一网、一报、一平台"的就业信息服务功能,积极开展校园招聘活动。学院通过开展校企合作,积极开拓校内外实践基地,与大唐移动通信设备有限公司、无锡文思海辉软件技术培训公司、Encompass technologies (中国研发中心)等10多家企业签订校企合作协议,为学生的实习、实训及就业提供服务与保障。学院多次荣获"河北省大中专毕业生就业工作先进集体"称号。我院师范类专业结合学生特点,组织和选拔优秀学生积极参与"顶岗实习支教工程",2010年9月10日,我院在兴隆县六道河中学顶岗实习的张静等3名同学,非常荣幸地与时任国务院总理温家宝共度教师节。2013年6月8日,中共中央政治局常委、国务院总理李克强到河北师范大学视察,了解大学生就业情况,我院历史学专业学生耿佳嘉、美术学专业学生安静慧有幸与总理交谈,聆听总理的教导与嘱托。



Huihua College of Hebei normal University, established in June 2001, is an independent college at the full-time undergraduate level approved by the Hebei Provincial Government and confirmed by the Ministry of Education. Huihua College is located in the southwest higher education district of Shijiazhuang City. It covers an area of 919.8 mu and is composed of two campuses: the South College and the North College. With strong faculty, complete teaching facilities and elegant campus environment, the college is a garden-style college. The college now has 9 departments and 45 undergraduate majors, covering economics, law, pedagogy, literature, history, science, engineering, management, art and other nine disciplines, with 13446 students. According to the regulations of the Ministry of Education, students who have completed their studies and are qualified will be issued with a bachelor’s degree certificate from Huihua College of Hebei normal University; those who meet the requirements for awarding a degree will be awarded a bachelor’s degree certificate from Huihua College of Hebei normal University.

Since its establishment, Huihua College has conscientiously implemented the No. 26 order of the Ministry of Education, constantly exploring new school-running mechanisms and modes, paying attention to improving teaching quality and carefully cultivating talents. gradually formed a set of scientific, efficient, standardized, with our characteristics of the management system and operating mechanism. In 2010, our college was appraised as quot; National Advanced Independent College & quot;. In 2014, our college ranked ninth in the national ranking of independent colleges published by the China Science Evaluation Research Center (RCCSE) and the China Science and Education Evaluation Network (www.nseac.com) of Wuhan University.

Huihua College adheres to the fine tradition of Hebei normal University, gives full play to the advantages of its strong educational resources, and employs excellent teachers to teach all the main courses. The college now employs 770 full-time teachers, including 137 professors, 318 associate professors, 194 doctoral degrees and 311 master’s degrees.

Huihua College aims to build a first-class independent college in China, adheres to the school-running idea of & quot; student-oriented, teaching-centered, everything for the sake of students’ development & quot;, follows & quot; reform, quality and development of a strong school & quot;, adheres to the new school-running mechanism and mode, and has made great progress in all kinds of work. The majority of students strive to forge ahead, and their academic performance and comprehensive ability are generally improved. Many students have won many awards and achieved excellent results in important competitions such as quot; Foreign Research Society Cup & quot; National English speech Competition, National Chemistry normal College students’ Teaching quality Competition, National College students’ Mathematical Modeling Competition, China Dance & quot; Lotus Award & quot; Campus Dance Competition, National College students’ Advertising Art Festival and so on. The admission rate of the postgraduate entrance examination of the college has always maintained a high level, with the admission rate of more than 20% for six consecutive years, which is in the leading position among independent colleges in the country. The college has always put the employment of graduates on the important work agenda, give full play to the employment information service function of quot;, one newspaper and one platform & quot;, and actively carry out campus recruitment activities. Through school-enterprise cooperation, the college has actively developed internal and external practice bases and signed school-enterprise cooperation agreements with more than 10 enterprises, including Datang Mobile Communication equipment Co., Ltd., Wuxi Pactera Software Technology training Company and Encompass technologies (China R & D Center), to provide services and guarantee for students’ internship, training and employment. The college has been awarded the title of quot; for many times & quot; Advanced Collective for College and Secondary School graduates in Hebei Province. According to the characteristics of the students, the normal majors of our college organize and select outstanding students to actively participate in the quot; internship project & quot;,. On September 10, 2010, Zhang Jing and other three students, who worked as an intern at Liudaohe Middle School in Xinglong County, were very honored to celebrate teacher’s Day with Wen Jiabao, the then Premier of the State Council. On June 8, 2013, Li Keqiang, member of the standing Committee of the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and premier of the State Council, visited Hebei normal University to learn about the employment situation of college students. Geng Jiajia, a student majoring in history, and an Jinghui, a student majoring in fine arts, had the honor to talk to the premier and listen to the premier’s teachings and instructions.

The development of Huihua College has been highly concerned and supported by the Ministry of Education, the provincial party committee and provincial government, and the Department of Education. The two vice governors in charge of education in Hebei Province, Liu Jiansheng and long Zhuangwei, successively inspected the college. Relevant leaders and experts of the Ministry of Education visited the college many times and affirmed the development, construction, management, software and hardware environment of the college.

The booming Huihua College is spreading its strong arms to welcome a more brilliant tomorrow. All Huihua people are full of enthusiasm, carry forward the fine tradition, adhere to reform and innovation, and make continuous efforts to build a comprehensive, high-level, and characteristic national first-class independent college.









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