






学校座落在“物华天宝、人杰地灵”的历史名城南昌。校园面积2300亩,建筑面积58万平方米,在校生20000余人。梅岭校区坐落于梅岭国家森林公园入口处,校园规划独具匠心,草坪、绿树、花坛、纵横交错的林荫道以及千姿百态的园林小品,簇拥着28万平方米的大小建筑,与梅岭秀丽的峰峦自然契合,相映成趣,构成一幅天造地设的花园式校区,被誉为怀珠抱玉一般拥起的一座现代袖珍型“城市”。 星城校区是我校的新校区,坐落于新建幸福水库旁,占地1900余亩,设计新颖,布局独到,充分体现了“人文之城”、“艺术之城”、“园林之城”、“和谐之城”的校园文化品质定位,是一所清灵俊美的“江南山水园林大学”。从大门中部惜时如金的“沙漏”雕塑,到壮阔的“开元大道”、恢宏的“大三元广场”、七彩的“音乐喷泉”、碧波荡漾的“浴星湖”、诗意盎然的“语星桥”、超大规模的“星洲运动场”、亮丽的“星空剧场”和现代化的图书馆、科技馆、艺术馆、体育馆、信息馆,以及学术中心、跨文化中心、音乐中心、行政中心、实训中心、商业中心,构成了一幅美丽的校园风光。星城校区必将孕育一批批、一代代“星”级学子。  【学校地理位置】【各部门电话】


学院贯彻“以人为本、质量立校”的办学思想,实施“人才强校、文化铸校、特色兴校”的发展战略,着力实践董事长黄玉林先生独创的具有划时代进步意义的“健全人格+复合专业+实践能力”的“三元育人”模式;建立了“待同学为朋友、育英才为己任”的新型师生关系,坚持“因材施教个性化教学、严爱结合人性化管理”的现代教管模式,培养了一批又一批“有灵气、有悟性、能创新、高情商的城市之星”;学校积极为学生就业开拓思路,已先后与3000多家用人单位建立合作关系,采取“定单式”培养,与用人单位签订赞助定向培养合同书,确保了历年毕业生就业率均达96%以上。鲜明的育人特色、优良的教学质量,使学校获得“教实学、育真才、严管理、优就业”的良好赞誉 。


Jiangxi Institute of Applied Science and Technology is a full-time undergraduate university approved by the Ministry of Education. The school highlights the “three-way education” characteristic of “sound personality + compound major + practical ability”, and strives to train compound, applied and creative talents for serving urbanization. It is equipped with: college of Urban Construction, College of Mechanical and Electrical Information Engineering, School of Economics and Management, College of Modern Logistics, School of Culture and Tourism, School of Art and Design, School of Music, Office of International Cooperation and Exchange, Urban Advanced Technical School, Technical Secondary School, driving School, a total of more than 50 colleges and junior colleges.

Jiangxi Institute of Applied Science and Technology was founded in 1984 and was approved to be included in the unified enrollment of the national plan in 2002. In 2007 and 2012, it achieved excellent results in the evaluation of the level of personnel training. From 2009 to 2013, Jiangxi Province invested 6 million yuan successively. The Ministry of Education invested 1.8 million yuan to support the construction of the school experimental training base. In September 2011, the school was approved by the Jiangxi Provincial people’s Government as the first batch of pilot colleges and universities for education system reform. It has been awarded as “excellent College of Jiangxi Province”, “Advanced Collective of ideological and political Education in Colleges and Universities of the whole Province”, “Advanced Collective of Employment of ordinary College graduates in Jiangxi Province”, “innovative Experimental Zone of Provincial Talent training Mode”, “National demonstration University of Education and Teaching quality” and so on.

The school is located in Nanchang, a famous historic city with “Wuhua Tianbao and outstanding people”. The campus covers an area of 2300 mu, with a construction area of 580000 square meters and more than 20000 students. Meiling campus is located at the entrance of Meiling National Forest Park, with original campus planning. Lawns, green trees, flower beds, crisscrossing avenues and various garden sketches are surrounded by 280000 square meters of buildings, which naturally coincide with the beautiful peaks of Meiling and form a natural garden-like campus. It is known as a modern pocket “city” embraced by beads and jade. Xingcheng campus is our new campus, located next to the newly built Happiness Reservoir, covering an area of more than 1900 mu, with novel design and unique layout. It fully embodies the campus cultural quality orientation of “Humanities City”, “Art City”, “Garden City” and “Harmony City”. It is a clear and beautiful “Jiangnan Landscape Garden University”. From the time-saving “hourglass” sculpture in the middle of the gate, to the magnificent “Kaiyuan Avenue”, the magnificent “Great Sanyuan Square”, the colorful “Music Fountain”, the rippling “Bath Star Lake”, the poetic “Yuxing Bridge”, the super-large-scale “Xingzhou Stadium”, the beautiful “Star Theatre” and modern libraries, science and technology halls, art halls, stadiums, information centers. As well as academic center, cross-cultural center, music center, administrative center, training center, commercial center, constitute a beautiful campus scenery. The Xingcheng campus is bound to give birth to batches and generations of “star” students. [school geographical location] [telephone numbers of various departments]

The school has a team of high-quality teachers who love higher education, high quality, full-time and part-time, sufficient quantity and reasonable structure, and a group of well-known education, teaching and management experts inside and outside the province act as the backbone of management and teaching. The college has complete teaching facilities to meet the practical teaching needs of various majors. It has built a multimedia teaching center, a campus broadband network system, a digital library with a collection of more than 640000 books, an advanced radio and television center, three standard all-plastic sports grounds for 10,000 people, 460 voice equipment and 260multimedia classrooms. 2 electronic reading rooms and 6 large comprehensive academic lecture halls. Has more than 3200 advanced teaching computers There are: computer network laboratory, computer hardware laboratory, computer software development laboratory, single-chip microcomputer interface technology laboratory, electronic and electrical laboratory (electronic and electrical teaching experimental base jointly developed by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Labor), electrification laboratory, comprehensive simulation laboratory of economic and trade management and accounting, CNC machine tool laboratory, architectural technology laboratory, computer art design laboratory, Metalworking practice base, etc. There are 68 professional practice bases outside the school. The Academy of Fine Arts and Music has studio, piano room (including multimedia teaching piano room), practice room and so on. The total value of assets is nearly 680 million yuan, of which teaching and research equipment is worth more than 8500 million yuan.

The college implements the school-running idea of “people-oriented and quality-oriented”, and implements the development strategy of “strengthening the school with talents, casting the school with culture and invigorating the school with characteristics”. Efforts should be made to practice the “three-way education” model of “sound personality + compound major + practical ability” created by Chairman Huang Yulin, which is of epoch-making and progressive significance. It has established a new type of teacher-student relationship of “waiting for classmates as friends and cultivating talents as their own responsibility”, and adhered to the modern teaching and management model of “individualized teaching in accordance with their aptitude and strict love combined with humanized management”. Has cultivated a batch after batch of “smart, savvy, innovative, high EQ city stars” The school has actively opened up ideas for students’ employment, and has successively established cooperative relations with more than 3000 employers, adopted “order” training, and signed sponsorship-oriented training contracts with employers, ensuring that the employment rate of graduates over the years has reached more than 96%. With its distinctive educational characteristics and excellent teaching quality, the school has won the praise of “practical learning, real talent education, strict management and excellent employment”.

In the next ten years, the school will consolidate the foundation, innovate and reform in all directions, strive to improve the quality of education and the level of running a school, build the school into a domestic first-class and gradually move towards an international landscape university, and achieve a new round of historic leap!









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