





“ 万人学校,亿元资产 ” 的强劲格局,取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益。


7 个系院。下辖广州市总工会职业技术学校、广州市总工会外语职业学校和从化市技工学校。现全校在校生 10375 人(全日制 8027 人,业余 2348
人)招生就业形势喜人,高职毕业生就业率连续五年在全省名列前茅, 2011 年学院总体就业率高达 99.12% 。

学院奉行规则管理、效率优先、质量取胜的指导思想,锐意改革,全面创新高职教育,以培养 “ 完整的人 ”
为目标,教学内容按人生修养、基本技能、才艺培养、专业课程、就业训练、升学复习、实践锻炼、奖学助学等八个方面全面展开,并贯穿三年,努力探索 “
用最合适的方法培养最需要的人才 ” 的高职教育的新路子,形成了自身的办学特色:

一、 人才培养 “ 品 ” 字先行 ,德智并重

践行 “ 立品、为学、禀艺、砺身 ” 的院训精神,确立 “ 品格 + 知识 + 技能 + 才艺 ” 的人才培养的具体目标
,以懂得做人、操守廉律、技能精卓、一专多艺作为学生的培养尺度。 “ 给我三年,还你一个有教养、有本领的孩子

二、 人才培养模式灵活实用

涵盖了 “ 人生修养 ” 、 “ 生活基本技能 ” 、 “ 职业规划和就业训练 ” 等内容的院本教材自成体系, 教学成效独特
。鼓励学生大范围选修课程,允许入学一年后根据自身情况重新选择专业,学生缺什么学什么,学生学习更有弹性和自主性, 学以致用,广受社会欢迎 ,

三、 建立了完善的质量管理体系

学院在 2004 年已率先通过 ISO9001 认证

四、 信息化建设成效突出

学院将信息化技术广泛应用于教学、学生、就业和后勤等各个方面,自主开发的 “ 学生诚信银行 ” 、 “ 学生电子信息档案 ” 、 “ 空中课室 ”

五、人性化的 “ 毕业后关怀计划 ” 深受欢迎


六、推行 “导师制”——对学生实行个性化指导

为践行全员育人、全程育人、全方位育人的理念,实现对学生的贴身关怀,落实人才培养目标,学院从 2007

七、 完善的奖学、助学金体系

以社会责任为己任 , 积极开展助学扶贫工作。多年来,通过国家助学贷款、勤工助学、优秀学生奖学金、特困生减免学费等措施,资助贫困生顺利完成学业。

Guangzhou Vocational College of Engineering and Technology is an ordinary university approved by the people’s Government of Guangdong Province and filed by the Ministry of Education. It was founded in 1964.

With advanced educational ideas, unique ideas for running a school, excellent teachers, elegant campus environment and distinctive higher vocational characteristics, the college is committed to cultivating modern competitive consciousness, comprehensive professional ability and comprehensive quality. practical technical talents who can meet the needs of economic development in the 21 century. As a public university with a history of more than 40 years, in recent years, it has laid a solid foundation in continuous reform, transcendence and development, accumulated rich experience, and gradually formed a school-running style with equal emphasis on knowledge, character, talent and skills. Respond to the competition with unique ideas and novel practices, seek breakthroughs, achieve great-leap-forward development, and form

The strong pattern of “schools with ten thousand students and assets of 100 million yuan” has achieved good economic and social benefits.

The college has adequate teaching equipment and sound infrastructure, there are computer network, electrical and electronic, refrigeration, auto repair, language, art design and other laboratories, as well as clothing workshop, numerical control workshop, mechanical workshop, car testing and maintenance workshop, electrical operation room and other laboratories (practice workshop). It has a team of full-time and part-time teachers with high professional level, good professional ethics, strong practical ability, stable thinking, reasonable structure and sufficient number. The introduction of competition mechanism, the implementation of target management, regular assessment, survival of the fittest, through various channels and a series of measures to build a team of key teachers, discipline leaders, young and middle-aged backbone teachers and professional and technical top-notch talents who are diligent, pioneering, dedicated, dynamic and innovative to adapt to the reform and development of higher education in the new century.

In the years of school-running accumulation, the college has formed a school-running pattern of higher vocational education, adult people’s Congress, technical secondary school diploma education and secondary vocational education, skills on-the-job training and other forms, with the coordinated development of scale, structure, quality and benefits. Now there are Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Department of Information Engineering, Department of Finance and Management, Department of Foreign language and Business, School of Art and Design, Department of Petrochemical Engineering, School of Catering and Tourism Management, etc.

Seven faculties. It has jurisdiction over Guangzhou Federation of Trade unions Vocational and Technical School, Guangzhou Federation of Trade unions Foreign language Vocational School and Conghua Technical School. There are now 10375 students in the school (8027 full-time and 2348 amateur).

The employment rate of higher vocational graduates ranks among the best in the province for five consecutive years, and the overall employment rate of the college in 2011 is as high as 99.12%.

The college pursues the guiding ideology of rule management, giving priority to efficiency and winning by quality, and is determined to reform and innovate higher vocational education in an all-round way in order to cultivate “complete people”.

As the goal, the teaching content will be carried out in an all-round way in the following eight aspects: life cultivation, basic skills, talent training, professional courses, employment training, further study review, practical training, scholarship and so on. ”

The new way of higher vocational education of “training the most needed talents in the most appropriate way” has formed its own characteristics of running a school:

I. the word “quality” comes first in personnel training, with equal emphasis on morality and intelligence.

Practice the spirit of “quality, learning, skill and self-cultivation”, and establish the specific goal of personnel training of “character + knowledge + skill + talent”.

To know how to be a person, integrity, excellent skills, multi-skill as the training yardstick. “give me three years and give you an educated and capable child.

“it is not only the college’s solemn commitment to parents, but also the biggest school-running feature of the college.

II. Flexible and practical talent training mode

The school-based teaching materials covering “life accomplishment”, “basic life skills”, “career planning and employment training” have their own system, and the teaching results are unique.

. Students are encouraged to take a wide range of courses and are allowed to re-choose their majors according to their own conditions after one year of enrollment, what students lack and what they lack, and students are more flexible and autonomous in their learning, which is widely welcomed by the society.

The employment rate is in the forefront of similar colleges and universities in the province year after year.

Third, establish a perfect quality management system

The college took the lead in passing the ISO9001 certification in 2004.

A set of perfect quality management system in line with international standards has been established in all aspects of teaching management, teaching mode, teaching methods, student management and logistics service, which provides a strong guarantee for students’ study and development.

IV. Remarkable achievements in information construction

The college has widely applied information technology to teaching, students, employment and logistics, and independently developed “Student Integrity Bank”, “Student Electronic Information Archives” and “Air classroom”.

And other systems, the supervision, praise and revision of students’ behavior is very timely and effective, parents can timely understand the situation of students in school through the Internet, which provides convenience and space for the exchange of information between teachers and students and between home and school.

V. the humanized “Post-graduation Care Program” is very popular.

The college implements a free training system for graduates to return home for further studies, so as to enhance the competitiveness of graduates and ensure their sustainable development.

VI. Carrying out the “tutorial system”– individualized guidance to students

In order to implement the concept of whole-staff education, whole-process education and all-round education, realize the close care for students and implement the goal of talent training, the college has gone from 2007.

The extracurricular mentoring system has been implemented since 2000, and each freshman has been equipped with an instructor. Through teaching students in accordance with their aptitude and personalized guidance, we can guide students in their thinking, study, life, communication and psychology, so as to help students live a happy life and develop in an all-round way.

VII. Perfect scholarship and financial aid system

Take social responsibility as our own responsibility and actively carry out the work of aiding students and helping the poor. Over the years, we have supported poor students to successfully complete their studies through measures such as national student loans, part-time study, scholarships for outstanding students, and tuition remission for extremely poor students.









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