

北京语言大学(Beijing Language and Culture











Introduction of Beijing language and Culture University

Beijing language and Culture University (Beijing Language and Culture

University), or Beiyu for short, is an institution of higher learning directly under the Ministry of Education of China. It was founded in 1962 under the personal care of Premier Zhou Enlai. In June 1964, it was named Beijing language and Culture University. In 1974, Chairman Mao Zedong wrote the name of the school. In June 1996, it was renamed Beijing language and Culture University. In 2002, the name of the school was simplified to Beijing language and Culture University.

College and department setting

As of May 2014, the school has Chinese International Education Department (including School of Chinese language, School of Chinese further Education, School of Chinese Express, College of Preparatory Education, College of Chinese language Education), School of Foreign languages, School of Advanced Translation, School of Humanities, School of Social Sciences, School of Information Science, International Business School, English Education Center, physical Education Department, training College, Network Education College and other teaching units.

Teachers’ strength

As of November 2013, the university had more than 1272 faculty members, including 855 teaching and research staff, 104 with senior professional titles, 81% with doctoral and master’s degrees, and more than 93% of teachers with academic qualifications outside the school.

Scientific research platform

As of May 2014, the school has established the Academy of language Sciences, the Center for the study of Chinese as a Foreign language, the International Chinese language Teaching Research Base, the Institute of Applied Linguistics, the Institute of language Information processing, the China Institute of language Policy and Standards, the Capital International Cultural Research Base, the Arab Research Center and other research institutions.

Construction achievements

In 2013, a total of 789 people engaged in scientific research activities in the university published a total of 441 papers (including 395 domestic academic journals, 27 foreign academic journals, 14 Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan journals, and 5 translations), published 86 books (including 37 monographs, 37 editors or textbooks, 1 collation of ancient books, 11 translations), submitted 15 adopted research and consultation reports, and obtained a new invention patent. There are a total of 177 new scientific research projects (including 54 vertical projects, 24 horizontal projects and 99 school-level projects).

Academic resources

As of May 2014, the school has edited and published five journals, including “language Teaching and Research”, “World Chinese Teaching”, “Chinese Cultural Studies”, “International Chinese Teaching Research” and “National and Regional Studies”.

北京语言大学(Beijing Language and Culture University),简称北语,是中国教育部直属高等学校,是在周恩来总理的亲自关怀下建立的,创办于1962年。1964年6月定名为北京语言学院







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