浙江 杭州


浙江大学城市学院(Zhejiang University City College)简称“浙大城院”坐落于有“人间天堂”之称的历史文化名城——杭州由中华人民共和国教育部和浙江省人民政府批准设立是浙江大学



浙江大学城市学院(Zhejiang University City College),简称“浙大城院”,坐落于有“人间天堂”之称的历史文化名城——杭州,由中华人民共和国教育部和浙江省人民政府批准设立,是浙江大学、杭州市人民政府与浙江省电信实业集团共同发起创办的全日制本科普通高校。





浙江大学城市学院(Zhejiang University City College,ZUCC)成立于1999年7月,是国家教育部和浙江省人民政府批准设立,由浙江大学、杭州市人民政府合作办学,并与浙江省电信实业集团共同发起创办的全日制本科普通高校。




City College of Zhejiang University (Zhejiang University City College), referred to as “Zhejiang University City College”, is located in Hangzhou, a famous historical and cultural city known as “paradise on earth”. It is established with the approval of the Ministry of Education of the people’s Republic of China and the people’s Government of Zhejiang Province. It is a full-time undergraduate university jointly founded by Zhejiang University, Hangzhou Municipal people’s Government and Zhejiang Telecom Industrial Group.

The city college network of Zhejiang University is an important media for the external publicity of the college, an important information channel for the college to establish extensive contact with all walks of life at home and abroad, and an important platform for the college to display its image. The website is sponsored by City College, and the publicity Office of City College is responsible for production and overall maintenance.

City College Network is a comprehensive portal. The website is characterized by Zhejiang education, higher education and independent colleges, with 30 columns such as “Today’s Viewpoint”, “Media wide Angle” and “City College report”. At the same time, it reproduces the scientific and educational news of the media at or above the provincial level, full of pictures and texts, detailed in content and rich in information. The emergence of the city college network has attracted wide attention from all walks of life. Since its opening on June 8, 2003, the website has received more than 45 million visits, which has played a positive role in expanding the social popularity and influence of the college.

City college network is a new member of the big family of university portal network. We hope that through continuous efforts, we will make the website better, strive for larger capacity, more information, and more readability, and at the same time, strengthen contact and cooperation with all sectors of society, so that the website will become an important public opinion platform for promoting the construction and development of the school, and become good friends of people from all walks of life who care about and support the construction and development of the City College of Zhejiang University at home and abroad.

According to the official website of the school in April 2015, the school covers an area of more than 1000 mu and covers an area of more than 400000 square meters; it has jurisdiction over 9 colleges, offering 39 undergraduate majors, 3 Sino-foreign cooperation projects, 6 Sino-foreign curriculum cooperation projects, and more than 1000 staff members and more than 13100 full-time undergraduate students.

City College of Zhejiang University (Zhejiang University City College,ZUCC) was established in July 1999. it is approved by the Ministry of Education and the people’s Government of Zhejiang Province, run by Zhejiang University and Hangzhou people’s Government, and co-founded with Zhejiang Telecom Industrial Group.

In 1998, the former Zhejiang University, Hangzhou University, Zhejiang Agricultural University and Zhejiang Medical University merged to form a new Zhejiang University. at the same time, Zhejiang University and the people’s Government of Hangzhou decided to cooperate to establish a new university that is closely integrated with the needs of local economic construction and social development.

Since 2013, the majors of civil engineering and asset evaluation of the City College of Zhejiang University have been approved to be included in the first batch of undergraduate enrollment in Zhejiang Province.

In 2014, the 18th annual meeting of CTUC and CCES-TUWB was held in the school.

浙江大学城市学院(Zhejiang University City College),简称“浙大城院”,坐落于有“人间天堂”之称的历史文化名城——杭州,由中华人民共和国教育部和浙江省人民政府批准设立,是浙江大学、杭州市人民政府与浙江省电信实业集团共同发起创办的全日制本科普通高校。








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