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On December 15, the training course on the construction of the provincial educational government website and the Hubei educational information network correspondent training course held by the Hubei Educational Informatization Development Center was held in Han. Nearly 170 staff members of website performance evaluation of provincial, state, county and district education bureaus and school correspondents (commentators) of Hubei Education Information Network participated in the training.

Xu Yanbing, deputy director of the Provincial Department of Education, attended the training and delivered an important speech. Huang Fang, deputy director of the Electronic Administration Office of the provincial government, Liu Weiguo, deputy director of the provincial education department, Fan Yihu, director of the Provincial Education Informatization Development Center, and Song Xixing, deputy director of the Provincial Education Informatization Development Center, attended the training. The training was presided over by Fan Yihu, director of the Provincial Education Informatization Development Center.

In his speech, Xu Yanbing, deputy director of the Provincial Department of Education, pointed out three suggestions to the staff of the educational government website of various cities, prefectures, districts and counties: first, to understand the importance of the development of educational informatization and to understand the development relationship between educational informatization and the new normal of education, quality education, sunshine education, future school standardization management and education supervision and evaluation. The second is to grasp the three key nodes in the construction of educational informatization and e-government websites, namely, information release and educational credibility, information disclosure and transparency, and online services and convenience; third, we should pay attention to online publicity, online public opinion response and network security work, adhere to the correct guidance, spread positive energy, respond to educational public opinion in time, and strengthen the collection, analysis and research of public opinion.








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