





After 56 years of construction and development, Central South University of Forestry Science and Technology has become a special multidisciplinary university covering nine disciplines, such as science, engineering, agriculture, liberal arts, economics, law, management, teaching and art.

The school now has 20 colleges, 1 department and 2 departments. It has 5 postdoctoral research stations, 5 first-tier discipline doctoral programs, 29 second-tier discipline doctoral programs, 13 first-level discipline master’s degree programs, 74 second-level discipline master’s degree programs, 5 master’s degree authorization categories and 16 master’s degree authorization fields.

The school has 2 key disciplines with national characteristics, 3 key disciplines with national characteristics, 4 key disciplines with State Forestry Administration, 2 key disciplines with advantages and characteristics of Hunan Province, and 11 key disciplines of Hunan Province.

The school has 1 national high-quality resource sharing course, 2 national high-quality courses, 15 provincial high-quality courses, 71 undergraduate majors, including 5 national characteristic majors and 13 Hunan characteristic majors.

The school now has more than 34000 full-time students. There are 2245 faculty members, including 215 professors and 653 associate professors. There are 3 members of the discipline evaluation group of the academic degrees Committee of the State Council, 3 experts with outstanding contributions at the national level, 16 experts with outstanding contributions at the provincial and ministerial level, and 22 key training objects for cross-century academic and technological leaders at the provincial and ministerial level. There are 3 specially appointed professors of “Furong Scholars” in Hunan Province, 2 chair professors, and 74 people enjoy the special allowance of the State Council government. There are 1 national outstanding professional and technical personnel, 3 national candidates for “10 million talents Project in the New Century”, 1 person selected into the National “Thousand talents Plan”, 4 people selected into the “100 talents Plan” of Hunan Province, and 2 provincial scientific and technological innovation teams. there are 2 scientific and technological leaders in Hunan Province, and 8 candidates at the first and second levels of Hunan’s “121 talents Project in the New Century”. There are 1 outstanding social science expert in Hunan Province, 1 won “National Outstanding contributor to Field Science and Technology work”, 1 won “National May 1 Labor Medal”, 7 entered the Ministry of Education’s “Outstanding Talent support Program for the New Century”, 3 won “National Outstanding Teachers”, 3 won “Hunan Teachers”, 5 won “Hunan Outstanding Teachers”, 1 won China Youth Science and Technology Award, and 3 won “Fok Yingdong Education Fund Award”. One person won the Xu Teli Education Award.









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