上海 闵行区


上海交通大学(Shanghai Jiao Tong University)位于中国的经济金融中心上海是由国家教育部直属的一所具有理工特色涵盖理工医经管文法等9大学科门类的综合性全国重点大学



上海交通大学(Shanghai Jiao Tong University)位于中国的经济、金融中心上海,是由国家教育部直属的一所具有理工特色,涵盖理、工、医、经、管、文、法等9大学科门类的综合性全国重点大学,是中国首批七所“211工程”、首批九所“985工程重点建设”院校之一,入选“珠峰计划”、“111计划”、“2011计划”、“卓越医生教育培养计划”、“卓越法律人才教育培养计划”,“卓越工程师教育培养计划”,是“九校联盟”、Universitas 21、21世纪学术联盟的成员。

上海交通大学最早可追溯到1896年(光绪22年)由清政府创立、盛宣怀督办的南洋公学,是中国高等教育的数个发端之一。南洋公学数易其名,经商部高等实业学堂、邮传部上海高等实业学堂、南洋大学堂、交通部上海工业专门学堂多个阶段,于1921年改组为交通大学(Chiao Tung University);而后复遭波折,历交通部南洋大学、交通部第一交通大学、国立交通大学(上海本部),至1949年剔去“国立”二字,径称“交通大学”。1959年7月31日,国务院批准交通大学上海部分、西安部分分别独立为两所学校,交通大学上海部分定名为“上海交通大学”。2005年7月,上海第二医科大学并入上海交通大学。


Shanghai Jiaotong University (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), located in Shanghai, the economic and financial center of China, is a comprehensive national key university with scientific and technological characteristics directly under the Ministry of Education, covering nine disciplines such as science, engineering, medicine, economics, management, liberal arts and law. Selected as “Everest Project”, “111Project”, “2011 Project”, “excellent Doctor Education Program”, “excellent legal Talent Education Program”, “excellent engineer Education Program”, is a member of “Nine Schools Alliance”, Universitas 21st and 21st Century academic Alliance.

Shanghai Jiaotong University can be traced back to Nanyang Public School, which was founded by the Qing government and supervised by Sheng Xuanhuai in 1896 (Guang Xu 22). It is one of several origins of higher education in China. The number of Nanyang Public School changed its name, and the higher Industrial School of the Ministry of Economics and Commerce, the Shanghai Advanced Industrial School of the Ministry of Post and Communication, Nanyang University, and the Shanghai Industrial Special School of the Ministry of Communications were reorganized into Jiaotong University (Chiao Tung University) in 1921. After repeated twists and turns, the Ministry of Communications Nanyang University, the first Jiaotong University of the Ministry of Communications, the National Jiaotong University (Shanghai headquarters), to 1949 to remove the word “national”, directly known as “Jiaotong University”. On July 31, 1959, the State Council approved Jiaotong University’s Shanghai part and Xi’an part as two independent schools, and the Shanghai part of Jiaotong University was named “Shanghai Jiaotong University”. In July 2005, Shanghai second Medical University was merged into Shanghai Jiaotong University.

Shanghai Jiaotong University is one of the most famous institutions of higher learning in China, with great academic influence in the fields of engineering, business and medicine. After more than a hundred years of honing, Shanghai Jiaotong University has become a “comprehensive, research, international” first-class and international university, and is steadily moving forward to a “world-class university”.








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