
  汉典是一个面向广泛受众、含有丰富及有益内容的教育和信息网站。 汉典始建于2004年,是一个有着巨大容量的字、词、词组、成语及其他中文语言文字形式的免费在线辞典。 汉典的宗旨是介绍中国文化、历史和语言,为那些在中文学习、研究方面有兴趣的人提供帮助与服务,并探讨中文语言文字使用的规范和标准。


  汉典收录了75983个汉字、361998个词语、短语和词组,以及32868成语的释义; 汉典古籍收录了总共包含有38529章节的1055部古典文献书籍、203篇古文; 汉典诗词收录了268886首古典诗词;汉典书法收集135804个著名的中国书法家汉字书法作品。


Handian is an educational and information website with rich and useful content for a wide audience. Founded in 2004, Han Dictionary is a free online dictionary with a huge capacity of words, words, phrases, idioms and other forms of Chinese language. The purpose of the Handian is to introduce Chinese culture, history and language, to provide help and services to those who are interested in Chinese learning and research, and to explore the norms and standards for the use of Chinese language.

There are five other additional, additional and supporting websites, including ancient books, poetry, calligraphy, Chinese forum and new English forum.

The Chinese dictionary contains 75983 Chinese characters, 361998 words, phrases and phrases, as well as the interpretation of 32868 idioms; the ancient books of the Chinese dictionary contain 1055 classical literature books and 32868 ancient essays with a total of 38529 chapters; Chinese poetry contains 268886 classical poems; Chinese calligraphy collects 135804 famous Chinese calligraphers’ Chinese calligraphy works.

Thanks to the contributions of many Chinese volunteers around the world and their selfless and great love, all of this work has been done over the years under the GNU Free documentation license and is being perfected. So far, all websites belonging to Handian are run at personal expense and maintained and managed by voluntary contributors.








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