

广州长隆集团是一家集旅游景点酒店餐饮娱乐休闲于一体的大型企业集团是全国首批广州唯一国家级 AAAAA 景区。地处南广州中心腹地东连华南快速干线西接 105 国道北临珠江。




广州长隆集团是一家集旅游景点、酒店餐饮、娱乐休闲于一体的大型企业集团,是全国首批,广州唯一,国家级 AAAAA 景区。地处南广州中心腹地,东连华南快速干线,西接 105 国道,北临珠江。根据广州市的南拓发展战略,未来长隆版块将成为广州市的中心区域。 2006 年通车的星光快速干线贯穿集团版图; 2006 年底开通的地铁三号线经过长隆集团,该地铁站被命名为汉溪长隆站; 2009 年即将投入运营的亚洲最大的火车站 —广州火车站距长隆不到 5 公里。所有的交通配套都预示着长隆经济版块将成为新广州市中心最繁华热闹的都市旅游版块。


由于各界人士的关爱以及长隆集团所有员工的共同努力,长隆集团成为国家文化部的 “ 文化产业示范基地 ” 和广东省 “ 科普教育基地 ” ,并先后被省、市政府授予 “ 优秀民营企业 ” 、 “ 先进民营企业 ” 、 “ 广东省文明风景旅游区示范点 ” 等系列荣誉称号。

A brief introduction to Changlong, Guangdong

Guangzhou Changlong Group is a large enterprise group integrating tourist attractions, hotel catering, entertainment and leisure. It is the first batch of national AAAAA scenic spots in Guangzhou. It is located in the hinterland of southern Guangzhou, connecting the South China Expressway in the east, National Highway 105 in the west and the Pearl River in the north. According to the Nantuo development strategy of Guangzhou, Changlong will become the central area of Guangzhou in the future. The Xingguang Express Line, which opened in 2006, runs through the group’s territory; Metro Line 3, which opened at the end of 2006, passes through Changlong Group, which is named Hanxi Changlong Station; Guangzhou Railway Station, the largest railway station in Asia, which will be put into operation in 2009, is less than 5 kilometers away from Changlong. All the transportation facilities indicate that Changlong economic section will become the busiest urban tourism section in the center of new Guangzhou.

Changlong Group, which is making steady progress towards a “world-class tourism kingdom”, has 9 branches, including Changlong Happy World, Changlong Water Park, Changlong International Circus, Changlong Xiangjiang Wildlife World, Guangzhou Changlong Crocodile Park, Changlong Hotel, Changlong Xiangjiang Hotel, Changlong Golf practice Center and Changlong Xiangjiang Restaurant. The nine major tourism sections work together to meet the diversified tourism and holiday needs of tourists for “peak pleasure, being close to animals, savoring food and accommodation, fashion sports, and family enjoyment”, and strive to create an one-stop tourism and leisure resort. refresh the standards of China and even the global tourism industry many times, can be called “China’s new tourism business card”.

Due to the care of people from all walks of life and the joint efforts of all employees of Changlong Group, Changlong Group has become the “Cultural Industry demonstration Base” of the Ministry of Culture and the “Science Popularization Education Base” of Guangdong Province. and has been awarded by the provincial and municipal governments “excellent private enterprises”, “advanced private enterprises”, “Guangdong civilized scenic tourist area demonstration site” and other honorary titles.

广州长隆集团是一家集旅游景点、酒店餐饮、娱乐休闲于一体的大型企业集团,是全国首批,广州唯一,国家级 AAAAA 景区。







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