四川省中国青年旅行社天下分社有限公司总部隶属于中国青旅集团控股有限公司和四川省旅游局。 四川省中国青年旅行社有限公司是国家旅游总局批准的能经营中国公民出国旅游的国际旅行社之一,同时也是全国百强国际旅行社。
旅行社成立24年来,始终坚持科学化的管理,优质高效的服务,在旅游界树立了良好的企业信誉和形象。曾多次荣获国家、省、市旅游主管部门、参团单位及游客的 表彰。 四川省中国青年旅行社有限公司拥有一批经验丰富,素质高尚,效率快捷的管理工作人员及一批受过严格培训和具有丰富带团经验的英、法、德、日、韩等 多语种的专业导游队伍(完善客人在旅游途中的吃、住、行、游、娱、购、知)。
在旅游业发展迅速的今天四川青旅也紧跟时代发展的步伐,成立了16家分社、开设了一百多家门市部,其销售网络遍布四川省的各个市县.在24年的经营历程中四川青旅与全国及港澳、东南亚、日本、欧美、南非等地区的200多家旅行社建立了友好、长期的合作关系。每年不仅接待大量的海内外游客、商务考察团体来四川 旅游考察,而且也组织了大批的四川游客前往世界各地旅游观光。
四川省中国青年旅行社有限公司天下分社总部社始终坚持“信誉第一,优质服务”这一宗旨。将再接再厉不断发展,紧跟西部开发的战略步伐,以丰富的四川旅游资源 (九寨沟黄龙、乐山峨眉山、都江堰青城山、香格里拉稻城亚丁、四姑娘山、海螺沟、米亚罗、卧龙大熊猫基地、邓小平故居、李白故居、杜甫草堂、武侯祠等)为 依托,一定实现四川旅游业产业化发展的道路。 公司总经理携全体员工热诚欢迎海内外朋友来四川旅游观光.
西行川藏是四川省中国青年旅行社有限公司直属的川藏线旅游品牌,我们主要提供川藏线、稻城亚丁、西藏、阿里 等地区的特种旅游咨询和服务。
(主力车型:越野车:猎豹、陆霸、帕杰罗V73、新款丰田普拉多、陆地巡洋舰。商务车:高配别克Gl8 \现代瑞风、全顺商务。大巴:丰田考斯特、金龙大巴)
Sichuan China Youth Travel Service World Branch Co., Ltd. is headquartered by China Youth Travel Group holding Co., Ltd. And Sichuan Provincial Tourism Bureau. Sichuan China Youth Travel Service Co., Ltd. is one of the international travel agencies approved by the State Tourism Administration and one of the top 100 international travel agencies in China.
Since its establishment 24 years ago, the travel agency has always adhered to scientific management, high-quality and efficient service, and established a good corporate reputation and image in the tourism industry. It has been commended by national, provincial and municipal tourism departments, participating units and tourists for many times. Sichuan China Youth Travel Service Co., Ltd. has a group of experienced and high-quality, efficient management staff and a group of highly trained and experienced English, French, German, Japanese, Korean and other multilingual tour guides (improve guests’ food, accommodation, transportation, travel, entertainment, shopping, knowledge).
Today, with the rapid development of tourism, Sichuan Youth Travel Service has also kept pace with the development of the times, setting up 16 branches and more than 100 sales departments, and its sales network is all over various cities and counties in Sichuan Province. In the course of 24 years of operation, Sichuan Youth Travel Service has established friendly and long-term cooperative relations with more than 200 travel agencies in the whole country and Hong Kong and Macao, Southeast Asia, Japan, Europe and the United States, South Africa and other regions. Every year, we not only receive a large number of domestic and foreign tourists and business inspection groups to Sichuan, but also organize a large number of Sichuan tourists to travel around the world.
The headquarters of Sichuan China Youth Travel Service Co., Ltd. has always adhered to the tenet of “reputation first, quality service”. We will make continuous efforts to keep up with the strategic pace of western development, relying on the rich tourism resources in Sichuan (Huanglong in Jiuzhaigou, Mount Emei in Leshan, Qingcheng Mountain in Dujiangyan, Aden in Shangri-La Rice City, Siguniang Mountain, Hailuogou, Miaro, Wolong Giant Panda Base, Deng Xiaoping’s former residence, Li Bai’s former residence, du Fu’s Caotang, Wuhou Temple, etc.), the road to the industrialization of tourism in Sichuan must be realized. The general manager of the company and all the staff warmly welcome friends at home and abroad to Sichuan for sightseeing.
Westbound Sichuan-Tibet is a Sichuan-Tibet tourism brand directly under Sichuan China Youth Travel Service Co., Ltd. We mainly provide special tourism consulting and services in Sichuan-Tibet line, Daocheng Aden, Tibet, Ali and other areas.
(主力车型:越野车:猎豹、陆霸、帕杰罗V73、新款丰田普拉多、陆地巡洋舰。商务车:高配别克Gl8 \现代瑞风、全顺商务。大巴:丰田考斯特、金龙大巴)
Traveling westward to Sichuan and Tibet provides them with excellent Sichuan-Tibet line masters and cross-country teams, as well as the most enthusiastic service to make your journey more enjoyable. Ten years of experience in Sichuan-Tibet line to create a perfect trip.
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