



Xiamen Zongsifang International Travel Service Co., Ltd., established with the approval of Fujian Provincial Bureau of Industry and Commerce, Fujian Tourism Bureau and Xiamen Tourism Bureau, has an independent legal person limited liability company, which owns wholly-owned companies: vertical Sifang tourist passenger transport fleet. Vertical Sifang information technology network company, all the way to accompany you tourism service company, the first international travel agency and so on.

The company is a professional one-stop tourism service to integrate surrounding tourism resources, open up peripheral through train lines, unified deployment arrangements for tourism charter, conference reception, rental guidance, drivers, etc., and unify external platform sales. Group management, providing professional, thoughtful, timely and accurate quality service for domestic and foreign tourist travel agencies and factories, booking information hotline available 24 hours a day, online payment and offline operation to establish a total quality management system, build the same industry online booking e-commerce platform, currently expand business in Fujian, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Beijing, Shenzhen, Wuyishan and other first-tier and second-tier cities The platform has many years of experience so that your business has one more reference choice.

The platform is not only the first dedicated platform for peripheral tourism, but also has a professional team and one-to-one docking service, which makes you feel at ease. Vertical, quality, trustworthiness, integrity, service, survival, do not do quantity only quality, so that every tourist can experience quality service.








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