





  春秋航空总部设在上海,在沈阳、石家庄、深圳、扬州(泰州)、宁波、兰州、揭阳(潮汕)、韩国济州、日本大阪、泰国曼谷设有基地,积极实施国际化发展战略,国际航班运力投入占比全民航第一。春秋航空创新起步、安全、平稳运行,是一家以B2C网上销售和手机直销为主要销售渠道的航空公司,网上销售占比85%、移动销售占比 30%,行业第一;单位油耗比行业平均水平低28%、人均尾气排放比行业平均减少40%,全中国民航业第一。





  2005 年 7 月 18 日,春秋航空首架空客 A320 飞机起飞,首航上海至烟台航线,开启了春秋人逐梦蓝天的征程;

  2009 年 3 月,春秋航空首架自购空客 A320飞机交付,春秋的机队规模步入稳定增长的快车道;

  2020 年 10 月,春秋航空接收首架空客 A321neo 飞机,其卓越的性能、环保表现给到旅客更佳的乘坐体验。

  如今,随着春秋航空空客机队数突破 100 架,使得春秋航空能够更加充分的进行运力调控,对其航线网络拓展,扩大中短程航空市场份额起到积极的推动作用,为更多的旅客提供安全、准点、品质、实惠的航空出行服务。

Spring Airlines Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Spring Airlines), which made its maiden flight on July 18, 2005, is one of the first private airlines in China and the largest private airline in China. By July 2021, Spring Airlines had 108 Airbus A320 series aircraft with an average age of 3.74 years. The destination covers the major commercial and tourist cities in China, Southeast Asia and Northeast Asia, operating more than 230 routes and carrying 20 million passengers a year. Under the premise of ensuring safety, Spring and Autumn Airlines pays attention to punctuality and service quality, respects passengers’ right of choice, and provides passengers with a variety of affordable travel products, so that passengers & ldquo; only spend the money & rdquo;.

Headquartered in Shanghai, Spring and Autumn Airlines has bases in Shenyang, Shijiazhuang, Shenzhen, Yangzhou (Taizhou), Ningbo, Lanzhou, Jieyang (Chaoshan), Jeju, Osaka, Japan and Bangkok, Thailand, and actively implements the international development strategy. international flight capacity accounts for the first in civil aviation. Spring and Autumn Airlines started innovation, safe and stable operation, is an airline with B2C online sales and mobile phone direct sales as the main sales channels, online sales account for 85%, mobile sales account for 30%, the industry first; unit fuel consumption is 28% lower than the industry average, per capita exhaust emissions are 40% lower than the industry, the first in China’s civil aviation industry.

Spring Aviation Innovation and Development, the first independent development and sales system (IDS) in the civil aviation industry; the first independent development of departure system (DCS); the first independent development of operation and control system (FOC); the first independent development and maintenance system (MIS). On January 21, 2015, Spring Airlines issued A shares for the first time, landed in the capital market, and became the first private airline share in China, which was fully affirmed by the capital market. Since October 15, 2018, the renovation of Terminal T1 of Shanghai Hongqiao Airport has been completed, serving passengers with one-stop intelligent facilities including ldquo; self-check-in-self-check-in-self-verification-self-check-in-rdquo;. Spring Airlines has become the first airline in the country to try to use intelligent airport self-service.

Spring Airlines is the first private airline in China to win the safety star rating honor of the Civil Aviation Administration.

From 2017 to 2019, it ranked first in the punctuality rate of arrival in Hong Kong among large and medium-sized Chinese mainland airlines for three consecutive years.

In 2018 and 2019, Spring Airlines became the only airline that won the all-A standard of Civil Aviation Administration-ldquo; four rates & rdquo; (safety, punctuality, passenger satisfaction, flight execution rate) for two consecutive years.

On July 18, 2005, Spring and Autumn Airlines’ first Airbus A320 took off and made its first flight from Shanghai to Yantai, starting the journey for people in the Spring and Autumn period to dream of the blue sky.

In March 2009, Spring and Autumn Airlines delivered its first self-purchased Airbus A320 aircraft, and the fleet size of Spring and Autumn Airlines stepped into the fast lane of steady growth.

In October 2020, Spring and Autumn Airlines received the first Airbus A321neo aircraft. Its excellent performance and environmental performance give passengers a better ride experience.

Today, with the number of Spring and Autumn Air passenger aircraft fleet exceeding 100, Spring and Autumn Airlines can more fully regulate its capacity, expand its route network and expand the market share of medium-and short-haul airlines. Provide safe, on-time, quality and affordable air travel services for more passengers.








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