Central Board of Excise and Customs

Central Board of Excise and Customs



Central Board of Excise and Customs的简介




The Indian Customs is responsible for the supervision and control of inbound and outbound means of transport, goods, luggage, postal articles and other articles; levying customs duties and other taxes; investigating smuggling; compiling customs statistics; and handling other customs operations.

Website service

India’s central consumption tax is a general term for all kinds of taxes that take the turnover of consumer goods as the object of taxation. It is a tax levied by the government on consumer goods and can be levied from wholesalers or retailers. Consumption tax is a typical indirect tax. Consumption tax is a new type of tax set in the turnover tax in the tax system reform. Consumption tax is subject to intra-price tax, which is paid only in the production, entrusted processing and import of taxable consumer goods, and in the future wholesale and retail links, because the price already includes consumption tax, there is no need to pay consumption tax, and the tax will eventually be borne by consumers.


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