PRS for Music的简介
英国表演权协会(Performing Right
British Association for Performing Rights (Performing Right
Society (PRS for short), founded in 1914, is the main copyright collective management organization in the UK. PRS members include songwriters and publishers of works such as classical, pop, jazz, film, television and advertising music, and its purpose is to manage certain rights conferred on them under copyright law on behalf of association members.
Website service
Any of the millions of works managed by PRS on behalf of its members and other relevant associations around the world can be publicly performed, broadcast or wired. Units or individuals who have obtained a performance license are usually required to pay performance royalties in advance to PRS every year. PRS has a board of directors responsible for the decision-making and administrative work of the association.
We protect the **lue of music by licensing music usage and collecting royalties globally for our members.
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